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Question 1 AIM : To develop program for maximum sub array


from numpy import asarray import numpy as np import sys

#STOCK_PRICES = [100, 113, 110, 85, 105, 102, 86, 63, 81, 101, 94, 106, 101, 79, 94, 90, 97] STOCK_PRICE_CHANGES = [13, -3, -25, 20, -3, -16, -23, 18, 20, -7, 12, -5, -22, 15, -4, 7] B = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [3, 4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9, 5]] D = [[2, 9, 8, 3], [5, 6, 0, 1], [1, 3, 2, 3], [1, 1, 2, 0]] E = [[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [3, 4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9, 5]] F = [[2, 9, 8, 3], [5, 6, 0, 1], [1, 3, 2, 3], [1, 1, 2, 0]] #==============================================================

The brute force method to solve max subarray problem

def find_maximum_subarray_brute(A):


Return a tuple (i,j) where A[i:j] is the maximum subarray.

time complexity = O(n^2)


A = asarray(A)
if len(A) == 0:
    return None
if len(A) == 1:
    return (0, 0)
max = -sys.maxint-1
sum = 0
start = 0
end = 0
for i in range(0, A.size):
    sum = 0
    for j in range(i, A.size):
        sum = sum + A[j]
        if sum > max:
            max = sum
            start = i
            end = j
return (start, end)



The maximum crossing subarray method for solving the max subarray problem

def find_maximum_crossing_subarray(A, low, mid, high):


Find the maximum subarray that crosses mid

Return a tuple ((i, j), sum) where sum is the maximum subarray of A[i:j].


left_max = -sys.maxint-1
right_max = -sys.maxint-1
sum = 0
i = mid
j = mid+1
while i >= low:
    sum = sum + A[i]
    if sum > left_max:
        left_max = sum
        cross_low = i
    i = i-1
sum = 0
while j <= high:
    sum = sum+A[j]
    if sum > right_max:
        right_max = sum
        cross_high = j
    j = j+1
return ((cross_low, cross_high), left_max+right_max)

The recursive method to solve max subarray problem

def find_maximum_subarray_recursive_helper(A, low=0, high=-1):


Return a tuple ((i, j), sum) where sum is the maximum subarray of A[i:j].


if low == high:
    return ((low, high), A[low])
    mid = int((low + high) / 2)
    l_index, l_max = find_maximum_subarray_recursive_helper(A, low, mid)
    r_index, r_max = find_maximum_subarray_recursive_helper(A, mid+1, high)
    c_index, c_max = find_maximum_crossing_subarray(A, low, mid, high)
    if l_max >= r_max and l_max >= c_max:
        return (l_index, l_max)
    elif r_max >= l_max and r_max >= c_max:
        return (r_index, r_max)
        return (c_index, c_max)

The recursive method to solve max subarray problem

def find_maximum_subarray_recursive(A):


Return a tuple (i,j) where A[i:j] is the maximum subarray.

A = asarray(A)
if len(A) == 0:
    return None
return find_maximum_subarray_recursive_helper(A, 0, len(A) - 1)[0]



The iterative method to solve max subarray problem

def find_maximum_subarray_iterative(A):


Return a tuple (i,j) where A[i:j] is the maximum subarray.

A = asarray(A)
if len(A) == 0:
    return None
start_of_max = 0
start = 0
end = 0
max_computing = A[0]
max_till_now = A[0]
for i in range(1, A.size):
    if A[i] > (max_computing + A[i]):
        max_computing = A[i]
        start = i
        max_computing = A[i] + max_computing
    if max_computing > max_till_now:
        max_till_now = max_computing
        start_of_max = start
        end = i
return (start_of_max, end)

#============================================================== OUTPUT:

QUESTION 2 AIM : To implement Matrix Multiplication

a) Square matrix multiplication

def square_matrix_multiply(A, B):


Return the product AB of matrix multiplication.


A = asarray(A)

B = asarray(B)

assert A.shape == B.shape
if A.size == 0:
    return 0
assert A.shape == A.T.shape
A = asarray(A)
B = asarray(B)
assert A.shape == B.shape
assert A.shape == A.T.shape
num_rows, num_cols = A.shape
C = np.zeros(shape=(num_rows, num_cols))
for i in range(0, num_rows):
    for j in range(0, num_rows):
        for k in range(0, num_rows):
            C[i][j] = C[i][j] + A[i][k] * B[k][j]
return C.astype(int)


b) Strassens Algorithm

def square_matrix_multiply_strassens(A, B):


Return the product AB of matrix multiplication.

Assume len(A) is a power of 2


A = asarray(A)

B = asarray(B)

assert A.shape == B.shape
if A.size == 0:
    return 0
assert A.shape == A.T.shape

assert (len(A) & (len(A) - 1)) == 0, "A is not a power of 2"

n = A.shape[0]
if n == 1:
    return A * B
    A11 = A[:int(n/2), :int(n/2)]
    A12 = A[:int(n/2), int(n/2):]
    A21 = A[int(n/2):, :int(n/2)]
    A22 = A[int(n/2):, int(n/2):]
    B11 = B[:int(n/2), :int(n/2)]
    B12 = B[:int(n/2), int(n/2):]
    B21 = B[int(n/2):, :int(n/2)]
    B22 = B[int(n/2):, int(n/2):]

    S1 = B12 - B22
    S2 = A11 + A12
    S3 = A21 + A22
    S4 = B21 - B11
    S5 = A11 + A22
    S6 = B11 + B22
    S7 = A12 - A22
    S8 = B21 + B22
    S9 = A11 - A21
    S10 = B11 + B12

    P1 = square_matrix_multiply_strassens(A11, S1)
    P2 = square_matrix_multiply_strassens(S2, B22)
    P3 = square_matrix_multiply_strassens(S3, B11)
    P4 = square_matrix_multiply_strassens(A22, S4)
    P5 = square_matrix_multiply_strassens(S5, S6)
    P6 = square_matrix_multiply_strassens(S7, S8)
    P7 = square_matrix_multiply_strassens(S9, S10)

    C11 = P5 + P4 - P2 + P6
    C12 = P1 + P2
    C21 = P3 + P4
    C22 = P5 + P1 - P3 - P7

    C = np.zeros(shape=(n, n))
    C[:int(n/2), :int(n/2)] = C11
    C[:int(n/2), int(n/2):] = C12
    C[int(n/2):, :int(n/2)] = C21
    C[int(n/2):, int(n/2):] = C22

    return C.astype(int)

#========================================================= OUTPUT:


a) To Check warnings using flake:

b) To check McCabe complexity (<10):

Test Method:

def test(): print "STOCK PRICE CHANGES:" print(STOCK_PRICE_CHANGES) res1 = find_maximum_subarray_brute(STOCK_PRICE_CHANGES) res2 = find_maximum_subarray_recursive(STOCK_PRICE_CHANGES) res3 = find_maximum_subarray_iterative(STOCK_PRICE_CHANGES) print "Bruteforce approach: %s" % (res1, ) print "Recursive approach: %s" % (res2, ) print "Iterative approach: %s" % (res3, ) print "Matrix 1:" print(asarray(B)) print "Matrix 2:" print(asarray(D)) print "Matrix 3:" print(asarray(E)) print "Matrix 4:" print(asarray(F)) res4 = square_matrix_multiply(E, F) res5 = square_matrix_multiply_strassens(B, D) print("Square Matrix Multiplication(Mat1Mat2):") print(res4) print("Square Matrix Multiplication using Strassens(Mat3Mat4):") print(res5) OVERALL OUTPUT:


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