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Quick Guide

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Variable type

There are 3 types of variable in jawascript

Type in latin Description
ꦮꦶꦭꦔꦤ꧀ wilangan Number, can be integer or floating point
ꦠꦸꦭꦶꦱꦤ꧀ tulisan String
ꦏꦠꦿꦔꦤ꧀ katrangan Statement

Number literal has to be written with surrounding the number, for example : ꧇꧑꧇ ꧇꧑꧒꧇ ꧇꧔꧓꧇ (1, 12, 42).
String literal has to be written with surrounding the string, for example : ꧊ꦲꦶꦏꦶꦠꦸꦭꦶꦱꦤ꧀꧊ (iki tulisan).
Statement is special that is has to be in the form of value1 comparison type value2, Statement will be discussed deeper on it's own chapter.

Declaring a variable

To declare variable, use keywords ꦲꦤ (ana) or ꦮꦺꦴꦤ꧀ꦠꦼꦤ꧀ (wonten) followed by variable name, followed by ꧈ꦤꦶꦏꦸ (niku) or ꧈ꦲꦶꦏꦸ (iku) and then followed by variable type, and always end it with . for example :

Example in latin Description
ꦲꦤꦲ꧈ꦲꦶꦏꦸꦮꦶꦭꦔꦤ꧀꧉ ana ꦲ, iku wilangan. Declaring variable as number
ꦮꦺꦴꦤ꧀ꦠꦼꦤ꧀ꦩ꧈ꦤꦶꦏꦸꦠꦸꦭꦶꦱꦤ꧀꧉ wonten ꦩ, niku tulisan. Declaring variable as string
ꦲꦤꦒ꧈ꦤꦶꦏꦸꦏꦠꦿꦔꦤ꧀꧉ ana ꦒ, niku katrangan. Declaring variable as statement

you can freely interchange between ꦲꦤ (ana) and ꦮꦺꦴꦤ꧀ꦠꦼꦤ꧀ (wonten), also ꦤꦶꦏꦸ (niku) and ꦲꦶꦏꦸ (iku).
Notice that in some cases, the letter merge, as in ꦮꦺꦴꦤ꧀ꦠꦼꦤ꧀ꦩ the is merged with ꦤ꧀ because the rule of aksara jawa where ꦤ꧀ + ꦩ -> ꦤ꧀ꦩ. In this case, the variable name will still be recognized as . To help with this, you can use and as in ꦮꦺꦴꦤ꧀ꦠꦼꦤ꧀꧌ꦲ꧍so that the letter won't merge. But remember, in that cases, the variable will be recognized as ꧌ꦲ꧍ and is different from .
After declared, variables will have a default value. Number variables will be set to 0, String variables will be set to "" (empty string), while statement will be set into "" equal to "".

Initializing a variable and setting a value

To initialize variable or set a value to a variable, use keyword ꦒꦤ꧀ꦠꦶ (ganti) or ꦒꦤ꧀ꦠꦺꦴꦱ꧀ (gantos), followed by variable name, followed by ꦢꦢꦶ (dadi), followed by the value to assign, and always end it with . For example :

Example in latin Description
ꦒꦤ꧀ꦠꦶꦲꦢꦢꦶ꧇꧒꧇꧉ ganti ꦲ dadi 2 Setting value 2 to variable (where is a number variable)
ꦒꦤ꧀ꦠꦶꦩꦢꦢꦶ꧊ꦲꦶꦏꦶꦠꦸꦭꦶꦱꦤ꧀꧊꧉ ganti ꦩ dadi "iki tulisan" Setting value "iki tulisan" to variable (string)
ꦒꦤ꧀ꦠꦶꦒꦢꦢꦶꦲꦭꦸꦮꦶꦃꦱꦏ꧇꧒꧇꧉ ganti ꦒ dadi ꦲ luwih saka 2 Setting a statement " is greater than 2" to (statement)

Initialization and value setting done this way must be done with literals, for example, ꦒꦤ꧀ꦠꦶ꧌ꦲ꧍ꦢꦢꦶ꧌ꦤ꧍꧉ (ganti ꧌ꦲ꧍ dadi ꧌ꦤ꧍) is not a valid statement to copy the value from ꧌ꦤ꧍ to ꧌ꦲ꧍, value copying can be done using variable operator.


To print a value of an existing variable, use the keyword ꦠꦸꦭꦶꦱ꧀ (tulis), followed by variable name, and always end it with .
For example ꦠꦸꦭꦶꦱ꧀꧌ꦲ꧍꧉``(tulis ꧌ꦲ꧍.) will print the value of ꧌ꦲ꧍.
You can also print a literal, for example ꦠꦸꦭꦶꦱ꧀꧊ꦠꦸꦭꦶꦱꦤ꧀꧊꧉ (tulis "ꦠꦸꦭꦶꦱꦤ꧀"). will print ꦠꦸꦭꦶꦱꦤ꧀. And ꦠꦸꦭꦶꦱ꧀꧇꧑꧒꧇꧉ (tulis 12.) will print 12.
To print a new line you can use ꦒꦫꦶꦱꦚꦂ꧉ (garis anyar) or ꦧꦫꦶꦱꦚꦂ꧉ (baris anyar).


Statement variable has value in the form of value1 comparison type value2. A value could be either a literal or a variable name. The comparison types that are available are :

Comparison Type in latin Description
ꦭꦸꦮꦶꦃꦱꦏ luwih saka > greater than
ꦏꦸꦫꦁꦱꦏ kurang saka < less than
ꦥꦝꦏꦫꦺꦴ padha karo = equal to
ꦲꦺꦴꦫ ora ¬ not

for example, when variable is set to the statement " is greater than 2", it'll evaluate to either true or false depending on the value of . String comparison are also possible.
Out of 4 comparison types that are available, ꦲꦺꦴꦫ (ora) is a bit different that it only accept one argument. So let's say we have a statement variable ꦥ (pa) and we wan't to negate it with variable ꦝ (dha) i.e. ꦝ := ¬ꦥ, we can set with ꦒꦤ꧀ꦠꦶꦝꦢꦢꦶꦲꦺꦴꦫꦥ꧉ (ganti ꦝ dadi ora ꦥ).
There are two default statement variable that have predetermined value, that is
ꦱ꧀ꦧꦼꦤꦼꦂ (bener) which return true, and
ꦱꦭꦃ (salah) which return false.

Variable Operation

You can't do explicit math operation in this language, but you can modify variable using operator. Operator that are available are :

Operator in latin Description
ꦠꦩ꧀ꦧꦃ tambah add
ꦏꦸꦫꦔꦶ kurangi subtract
ꦥꦶꦁ ping multiply
ꦥꦫ para divide
ꦠꦸꦫꦲꦺꦪꦺꦤ꧀ꦢꦶꦥꦫ turahé yén dipara modulo
ꦥꦝꦏ꧀ꦏꦺ padhakké set into

To operate on a variable, use keyword ꦒꦤ꧀ꦠꦶ (ganti), followed by variable name, followed by , followed by operator, followed by operand, and always end it with .
these operator can be called to an existing variable, and will modify it's value. All the operator takes one argument as the operand. Operand can be literal, but also can be variable name. All operation works on number, string can only use ꦠꦩ꧀ꦧꦃ (tambah) and ꦥꦝꦏ꧀ꦏꦺ (padhakké), while statement can only use ꦥꦝꦏ꧀ꦏꦺ padhakké
for example, if we have variable with a value of ꧇꧕꧇ 5, when we call ꦒꦤ꧀ꦠꦶꦲ꧈ꦠꦩ꧀ꦧꦃ꧇꧒꧇꧉ (ganti ꦲ, tambah 2), the value of will become 5+2 = 7.

Loops and conditional

Currently, this language only support while loop, which can be called using the keyword ꦤꦭꦶꦏꦠꦏ꧀ꦱꦶꦃ (nalika taksih), followed by statement variable, and always end it with . After that, close the loop with the keyword ꦢꦶꦭꦏꦺꦴꦏ꧀ꦲꦏꦺ꧉ (dilakokaké). For example to print the number from 1 to 10 we can write

	ꦠꦸꦭꦶꦱ꧀꧌ꦲ꧍꧉ꦠꦸꦭꦶꦱ꧀꧊ ꧊꧉


Code in latin pseudocode
ꦲꦤ꧌ꦲ꧍꧈ꦲꦶꦏꦸꦮꦶꦭꦔꦤ꧀꧉ ana (ꦲ), iku wilangan. var (ꦲ) : numeral
ꦲꦤ꧌ꦤ꧍꧈ꦲꦶꦏꦸꦏꦠꦿꦔꦤ꧀꧉ ana (ꦤ), iku katrangan. var (ꦤ) : statement
ꦒꦤ꧀ꦠꦶ꧌ꦲ꧍ꦢꦢꦶ꧇꧑꧇꧉ ganti (ꦲ) dadi 1. (ꦲ) := 1
ꦒꦤ꧀ꦠꦶ꧌ꦤ꧍ꦢꦢꦶ꧌ꦲ꧍ꦏꦸꦫꦁꦱꦏ꧇꧑꧑꧇꧉ ganti (ꦤ) dadi (ꦲ) kurang saka 11. (ꦤ) := (ꦲ) < 11
ꦤꦭꦶꦏꦠꦏ꧀ꦱꦶꦃ꧌ꦤ꧍꧉ nalika taksih (ꦤ). while (ꦤ) {
ꦠꦸꦭꦶꦱ꧀꧌ꦲ꧍꧉ tulis (ꦲ). print (ꦲ)
ꦠꦸꦭꦶꦱ꧀꧊ ꧊꧉ tulis " ". print " "
ꦒꦤ꧀ꦠꦶ꧌ꦲ꧍꧈ꦠꦩ꧀ꦧꦃ꧇꧑꧇꧉ ganti (ꦲ), tambah 1. (ꦲ) := ꦲ+1
ꦢꦶꦭꦏꦺꦴꦏ꧀ꦲꦏꦺ꧉ dilakokake }

Loop can be exited with the keyword ꦫꦩ꧀ꦥꦸꦁ꧉ (rampung.).

Keyword in latin Description
ꦫꦩ꧀ꦥꦸꦁ rampung break out of loop

Conditional if can be constructed using while loop and breaking the loop after. For example
