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lein-immutant Build Status

A Leiningen plugin for deploying Immutant apps.



As of version 0.15.0, the plugin only supports leiningen 2.0.0 and up. To use it, add it to your ~/.lein/profiles.clj:

{:user {:plugins [[lein-immutant "1.2.0"]]}}

Using it

The plugin provides several subtasks for installing, deploying to, and running an Immutant. All of the subtasks are namespaced under the immutant task. You can use lein help immutant to see a full list, and use lein help immutant SUBTASK to get more detailed help for a specific subtask.

The subtasks provided by the plugin are:

  • lein immutant install [version [install-dir]] - downloads and installs Immutant for you. By default, it will download the slim distribution of the latest versioned release and put it in <immutant base dir>/releases/. You can override the version (which must be an incremental build number from, a released version, or LATEST for the most recent incremental build) and the install directory. Without an install-dir argument, the most recently installed version will be linked from <immutant base dir>/current. If this link is present (and points to a valid Immutant install), you won't need to set $IMMUTANT_HOME. You can have it install the full distribution by passing it the --full flag.

  • lein immutant overlay [feature-set [version]] - downloads and overlays a feature set onto the currenty installed Immutant. If it can't find an Immutant install (either via the current link or $IMMUTANT_HOME), it will download and install the latest versioned release first. It will copy the current Immutant install before applying the overlay, allowing you to roll back. Currently, the only supported feature sets are 'torquebox' and 'hotrod'. The version for both defaults to the latest incremental, but can also be any recent build number from and, respectively.

  • lein immutant list [--installs] - Lists deployments or Immutant installs. If called with no options, lists deployed applications. If given --installs (or -i), lists installed versions of immutant instead. When listing deploymens, it will only list disk-based ones, and won't list anything deployed via the JBoss CLI or management interface.

  • lein immutant env [key] - prints out information about the Immutant environment. It currently only displays the path to the current Immutant, and the path to JBoss.

  • lein immutant archive [--exclude-dependencies] [--name name] [--context-path path] [--virtual-host host] [path/to/project] - creates an Immutant archive (suffixed with .ima) in target/. By default, the archive file will be named after the project name in project.clj. This can be overridden via the --name (or -n) option. This archive can be deployed in lieu of a descriptor pointing to the app directory.

    Any profiles that are active (via with-profile) will be captured and applied when the app is deployed.

    If passed a bare argument, the task will assume it is a path to a project to be archived, and will switch to the context of that project. This works when lein is invoked in or out of a project.

    You can override the default context-path (based off of the deployment name) and virtual-host with the --context-path and --virtual-host options, respectively. If the --exclude-dependencies (or -e) option is provided, the application's dependencies won't be included in the archive.

    If the standard leiningen jar options :omit-source or :jar-exclusions are set, they will be honored for archive creation.

  • lein immutant deploy [--archive [--exclude-dependencies]] [--name name] [--context-path path] [--virtual-host host] [path/to/project] - deploys the current app to the current Immutant. If passed the --archive option, it will deploy an archive of the app instead of a descriptor pointing to the app on disk. This will currently recreate the archive on every deploy. By default, the deployment will be named after the project name in project.clj. This can be overridden via the --name (or -n) option.

    If passed a bare argument, the task will assume it is a path to a project to be deployed, and will switch to the context of that project. This works when lein is invoked in or out of a project.

    Any profiles that are active (via with-profile) will be captured in the :lein-profiles key in the descriptor and applied when the app is deployed.

    You can override the default context-path (based off of the deployment name) and virtual-host with the --context-path and --virtual-host options, respectively.

    If no Immutant install can be located, the latest stable release will be installed.

  • lein immutant undeploy [name or glob or path/to/project] - undeploys an application (or applications) from the current Immutant.
    If passed a bare argument, the task will first treat it as a glob argument specifying one or more deployments to undeploy. If it does not match any current deployments, it is assumed to be a path to a project to be undeployed, and will switch to the context of that project. This works when lein is invoked in or out of a project.

    Examples of matching deployment names with globs:

    Given    Will undeploy
    -----    -------------
    ham      ham.clj, ham.ima
    ham.clj  ham.clj
    ha?      ham.clj, ham.ima, hat.clj, hat.ima
    *h*      ham.clj, ham.ima, ship.clj, ship.ima, moh.clj, moh.ima
    h*.clj   ham.clj, hat.clj
    *        everything

    Note that depending on your shell, you may have to quote or escape * and ? in globs.

  • lein immutant run - Starts up the current Immutant, displaying its console output

    The Immutant to start is specified by the ~/.immutant/current link or $IMMUTANT_HOME, with the environment variable taking precedence. You can shutdown the Immutant with ^C.

    This task delegates to $JBOSS_HOME/bin/standalone.[sh|bat], and takes any arguments the standalone script accepts. To see a full list, run lein immutant run --help.

    It also takes some additional convenience arguments:

    --clustered Starts the Immutant in clustered mode. Equivalent to passing --server-config=standalone-ha.xml --node-name=x (-n=x) To provide unique name when running multiple on same host. Equivalent to --offset=100 (-o=100) To avoid port conflicts when running multiple on same host. Equivalent to -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=100 --log-level=DEBUG Sets the default logging level to DEBUG (or any other given valid level). Equivalent to -Djboss.logging.level=DEBUG.

    By default, the plugin will locate the current Immutant by looking at ~/.immutant/current. This can be overriden by setting the $IMMUTANT_HOME environment variable. If no Immutant install can be located, the latest stable release will be installed.

  • lein immutant server [port] - Deploys the current app to the current Immutant and runs it. Analogous to lein ring server. Takes an optional http port parameter.

    By default, the plugin will locate the current Immutant by looking at ~/.immutant/current. This can be overriden by setting the $IMMUTANT_HOME environment variable. If no Immutant install can be located, the latest stable release will be installed.

  • lein immutant test [path/to/project] - Runs a project's tests inside the current Immutant. Runs the current Immutant with offset ports so it won't interfere with any currently running Immutant, deploys the project to it, runs all tests, undeploys the app, and then shuts down the Immutant it started. All tests specified in the :test-paths from project.clj will be executed.

    If passed a bare argument, the task will assume it is a path to a project to be tested, and will switch to the context of that project. This works when lein is invoked in or out of a project.

    Note that the log output for the Immutant instance used for the test run will be located in <project-root>/target/isolated-immutant/standalone/log/.

    This is a very simple way to automate your integration testing on a CI host.

    If no Immutant install can be located, the latest stable release will be installed.

By default, the plugin places its files (installed Immutants, the current link) under ~/.immutant/. You can override this by setting $LEIN_IMMUTANT_BASE_DIR or by adding :lein-immutant {:base-dir "/path"} to your user profile in .lein/profiles.clj or to your project.clj. Setting the base directory in project.clj will override the setting in .lein/profiles.clj. Using the environment variable will override both.

Using the plugin on Windows

There are two differences when using the plugin on windows:

  • <immutant base dir>/current isn't a link to the currently active Immutant installation, but is instead a text file containing the path to that installation. This is to work around linking issues on Windows.

  • Using ^C to exit Immutant after calling lein immutant run will not work under git-bash or cygwin - it instead just detaches the shell from the java process, leaving it running. Using does not exhibit this problem.


The plugin has a mediocre midje test suite. You can run it via:

lein midje


Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Red Hat, Inc.

Licensed under the Eclipse Public License v1.0


A Leiningen plugin for deploying Immutant apps






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  • Clojure 99.7%
  • Shell 0.3%