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pandasquee edited this page Sep 12, 2021 · 9 revisions

Installing ASpace

ASpace takes several steps to install, however it is all pretty simple.

  • Step 1: Download the master zip copy of aspace from here: Download Aspace
  • Step 2: Update the PennMUSH src/ file following these instructions: Updating Penn Makefile
  • Step 3: Update the PennMUSH src/local.dst file following these instructions: Updating local.dst
  • Step 4: Compile PennMUSH the standard way.

NOTE: These steps are for a clean from tarball/from git PennMUSH src tree. If you've already compiled you will have to either edit src/local.c instead OR rm src/local.c, whichever is appropriate for your case. src/local.c is cp'd from src/local.dst on the first compile ONLY (at least as of PennMUSH 1.8.8p0). In either case you MUST re-run ./configure after editing src/ and local.dst/local.c in order to get the changes included.

Once those 4 steps are complete, you should be able to start up your game and type in 'th sdb(e)' as a wizard.

If it comes back with the number 1 (the first available SDB#) then you should be all set to install the softcode.

If it returns a function not found error then you haven't installed the aspace hardcode properly, if it returns 0, then there is some other unforseen error in the code (i've never seen this happen).

Once the hardcode is in place and running, softcode comes next, it's best to have a 'Space' wizard for all this stuff as it makes things a little bit easier.

Once all the console objects have been installed (i recommend having a special 'Console Parents' room for them), you will need to edit the list of DBref#'s stored on:

  • Admin Space Commands
  • Console Resource Object
  • Console Parent Object
  • Most likely each individual console object too

Some console modes share the same dbref# such as Fighter/Shuttle, Helm/Navigation, and Tactical/Weapons.

Once all that is done, @shutdown/reboot your game, do an @space/load and @space/consoles, and hopefully the console parents will be loaded into the hardcode storage area.

Then it is a matter of using the @space/makeship command found on the Admin Space Commands object, exact format i forget.

You will also likely want the Basic Ship Spec, found here:

And the Spec Viewer found here:

Also check out Yarb's Crib Sheet for a list of what sdb does:'s-Crib-Sheet

Once you have used @space/makeship it should report everything as being fine, you can test that by joining the Space-Log channel, doing an @space/load and you shouldn't see any errors on the channel, if you do, then something went wrong.

I'm not a spec wizard, never have been, have zero idea how to make even a basic ship spec, the one included here is one that a wizard did on the server i used to run (Star Trek: Foundations MUSH). I've done my best to ensure it loads fine, but errors can happen.