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Hyades is a weekly newsletter containing a summary of everything that happened in your starred Github repos.

Newsletter sample


I developed Hyades to follow all the Github projects I wanted to keep an eye on, but which would clutter my notifications & inbox if I watched every single on of them. As a comfortable middle-ground, Hyades will deliver every Monday a quick rundown, customisable in scope, of everything of importance that happened the past week.


Hyades is developed on the OTP with Elixir using the Phoenix framework. All dependencies are listed in the Mix file.

To start hacking on your own Hyades instance:

  • Configure your database secrets in config/dev.exs
  • Setup the project with mix setup
  • Install the JS buils pipeline with npm install --prefix ./assets
  • Start Phoenix endpoint with mix phx.server

You can now visit localhost:4000 from your browser.

Self Hosting

Create a Github App

You must first create a Github app, which will give you a token to give access to the Github API to your deployment of Hyades, with the callback URL set to https://YOUDOMAIN.FQDN/ROOT/github/back. Once done, fill the required data (app ID and token) in config/{dev,prod}.exs.

Deploy Hyades

Hyades is deployed like any other Phoenix application. You will have to fill your secrets in config/prod.secret.exs, then follow the Pow production checklist and the Phoenix deployment guide.


Hyades is developed & distributed under the CeCILL-C license (LGPL-compatible).


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