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A note on "Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications 4ed" (Kenneth H. Rosen)

Chapter 01

The Foundations: Logic, Sets, and Functions

1.1 Logic

Boolean and bit operations

bit comes from binary digits (by John Tukey)

Data.Bits provides bitwise operations for integers.

1.2 Propositional Equivalences

For small cases, a truth table can be used to determine two propositions are equivalent or not.

1.3 Predicates and Quantifiers

  • universal quantifier

    • "for all x P(x)"
    • "for every x P(x)"
  • existential quantifier

    • "there is an x such that P(x)"
    • "there is at least one x such that P(x)"
    • "for some x P(x)"

1.4 Sets

Cantor's naive set theory

1.5 Set Operations


sets introduction

1.6 Functions

  • A function f injective iff (f(x) = f(y) ==> x = y).

  • A function f:A->B is surjective iff B=f(A).

1.7 Sequences and Summations

  • Example 17 (Cantor's diagonal argument)

1.8 The Growth of Functions

  • Big-O Notation f is O(g) iff there exists a constants C and k such that for any x>k, |f(x)| <= C*|g(x)|.

    • O(1)
    • O(log n)
    • O(n)
    • O(n * log n)
    • O(n^2)
    • O(n!)
  • Big-Omega and Big-Theta notation f is Omega(g) iff there exists a constants C and k such that for any x>k, C*|g(x)| <= |f(x)|.

f is Theta(g) iff f is O(g) and f is Omega(g). We say that f is of order g.

Chapter 02

The Fundamentals: Algorithms, the Integers, and Matrices

2.1 Algorithms

  • An algorithm is a finite set of (precise) instructions ("how to") for performing a computation.

  • Pseudocode = an intermediate step between an English description and an actual programming language.

    • procedure statements
    • assignments
    • block
    • comments
    • conditional constructions (if, then, else)
    • loop constructions (for, while)

2.2 Complexity of Algorithms

  • tractable problems: A problem is called tractable iff there is an algorithm with polynomial (O(n^b) of some b) worst-case complexity. (There is no guarantee that a tractable problem can be solved in a reasonable time.)

  • unsolvable problems: A problem is unsolvable iff no algorithm exists for solving them. The first instance is the famous halting problem (Alan Turing). (See also 4.2 of Haskell road to logic.)

  • class NP: Many solvable problems are believed to have the property that no algorithm with polynomial worst-case time complexity solves them, but a solution, if exists, can be checked in polynomial time. Such a class of problems form the class NP.

  • NP-complete problems: If any of NP-complete problems can be solved by a polynomial worst-case time algorithm, then all the problems can be solved by polynomial worst-case time algorithms. So far no-proof or no-counterexample have been found, it is generally accepted that no NP-complete problem can be solved in polynomial time.

2.3 The Integers and Division

  • division
  • gcd

2.4 Integers and Algorithms

  • Euclidean algorithm
  • Representations of integers
    • binary expansion
    • binary addition
    • binary multiplication

2.5 Applications of Number Theory

  • Extended Euclidean algorithm
  • Chinese Remainder Theorem

2.6 Matrices

Chapter 03

Mathematical Reasoning

3.1 Methods of Proof

  • Rules of inference (infer: to derive as a conclusion from facts or premises)
Rules Tautology
Addition p -> (p || q)
Simplification (p && q) -> p
Conjunction ((p) && (q)) -> (p && q)
Modus ponens ( p && (p->q))
Modus tollens ((not p) && (p->q)) -> (not p)
Hypothetical syllogism ((p->q) && (q->r)) -> (p->r)
Disjunctive syllogism ((p || q) && (not p)) -> q
  • Methods of proving theorems

    • direct proof
    • indirect proof
      • vacuous proof False -> q
      • trivial proof p -> True
      • proof by contradiction
  • The Halting Problem

3.2 Mathematical Induction

  • The well-ordering property

Every non-empty set of non-negative integers (i.e., natural numbers) has a least element.

  • Mathematical Induction
    1. Base case: the proposition p(0)(or p(1)) is shown to be true.
    2. Induction step: the implication p(n) -> p(n+1) is shown to be true for every positive integer (i.e., a natural number) n.

Here, the statement P(n) for a fixed n is called the inductive hypothesis.

  • The Second Princple of Mathematical Induction
    1. Base case: the proposition p(0) (or p(1)) is shown to be true.
    2. Induction step: (p(0) && .. && p(n)) -> p(n+1) is shown to be true for any n.

3.3 Recursive Definitions

3.4 Recursive Algorithms

A naive factorial would be

factorial 0 = 1
factorial n = n * factorial (n-1)

There exist more efficient and fast algorithms: *FFF of FastFactorialFunctions *A Haskel implementation by konn-san:

3.5 Program Correctness

Supplementary Exercises

My implementation is based on a lazy list. It can give first few hundreds within few second (i.e., extremely slow).

Chappter 04


4.1 The Basics of Counting

4.2 The Pigeonhole Principle

4.3 Permutations and Combinations

4.4 Discrete Probability

4.5 Probability Theory

4.6 Generalized Permutations and Combinations

4.7 Generating Permutations and Combinations

Chapter 05

Adcanced Counting Techniques

5.1 Recurrence Relations

5.2 Solving Recurrence Relations

We consider a class of recurrence relation in which the recurrence relation is written as a linear combination of previous terms.

  • Linear homogeneous recurrence relations A linear homogeneous recurrence relation of degree k with const. coeff. is a recurrence relation of the form:
  a(n) = c1*a(n-1) + .. + ck*a(n-k)

where ck /= 0 holds, with given k initial conditions: a(0) .. a(k-1)

A systematic approach is based on the characteristic equation.

5.3 Divide-and-Conquer Relations

Consider an algorithm that splits a problem size n into a sub-problem of the size n/b = n `div` b. Suppose that a total g(n) additional operations are required in this division procedure:

  f(n) = a*f(n/b) + g(n)

This relation is called divide-and-conquer.

5.4 Generating Functions

Formal power series (we ignore the convergence problem).

5.5 Inclusion-Exclusion

5.6 Application of Inclusion-Exclusion

Chapter 06


6.1 Relations and Their Properties

A binary relation from a set A to another set B is a subset of the product set A×B. A binary relation on A is a binary relation from A to A itself.

  • A relation R on A is reflexive iff for any element a of A, aRa.
  • A relation R on A is symmetric iff if aRb then bRa.
  • A relation R on A is antisymmetric iff if aRb and bRa then a=b.
  • A relation R on A is transitive iff if aRb and bRc then aRc.

6.2 n-ary Relations and Their Applications

A model of computer databases (the relational data model).

6.3 Representing Relations

For a finite set, labeling elements (i.e., converting a set into a list), we can express a relation as a zero-one matrix (or boolean matrix). One gain of this method is composition-preserving property (in other words, the zero-one representation forms a functor). Another choice would be digraphs (directed graphs); a digraph consists of a set of vertices and an ordered pair of vertices (edges).

6.4 Closures of Relations

So far skipped.

6.5 Equivalence Relations

An equivalence relation is a relation which is reflexive, symmetric, and transitive.

An equivalence relation on a set splits the set into disjoint subsets: equivalence classes.

6.6 Partial Orderings

A partial order is a relation which is reflexive, antisymmetric, and transitive.

A lattice is a poset in which every pair of elements has both a least upper bound and a greatest lower bound.

Topological Sorting (based on the following fact)

Every finite non-empty poset has a minimal; choose one element a0, if a0 is minimal then nothing has to be proven. If a0 is not a minimal, then there exists a1 such that a1 < a0; is a1 is minimal, done. Since the set is assumed to be finite, this procedure will terminate in a finite step.

Chapter 07


*Libraries * GraphViz for haskellers.

*Examples *


As an attempt to automate the drawing graphs, I'd use Turtle. My first attempt is ugly, though.

Chapter 08


Chapter 09

Boolean Algebra


A note on discrete math. and its application






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