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File metadata and controls

107 lines (60 loc) · 3.76 KB


A ruby wrapper around various xcode tools and the project.pbxproj

Example Usage

You will need to install the gem:

gem install xcoder

and then require the gem in your project/rakefile/etc

require 'xcoder'

Load a project

project = Xcode.project('MyProject')  # Can be the name, the file (e.g. MyProject.xcodeproj) or the path

Finding all projects from the current directory down

Xcode.find_projects.each {|p| puts }

Find a configuration for a target on a project

config = Xcode.project(:MyProject).target(:Target).config(:Debug)	# returns an Xcode::Configuration object

Building a configuration

builder = config.builder
builder.profile = 'Profiles/MyAdHoc.mobileprovision'	# This will remove old profiles and install the profile
builder.identity = 'iPhone Developer: Ray Hilton'		# The name of the identity to use to sign the IPA (optional)

Packaging a built .app

After performing the above build, you can create a versioned, well named .ipa and


This will produce something like: MyProject-Debug-1.0.ipa and

Incrementing the build number

config.info_plist do |info|
  info.version = info.version.to_i + 1

Working with workspaces

Loading workspaces can be done in a similar way to projects:

Xcode.workspaces.each do |w|
  w.describe								# prints a recursive description of the 
											# structure of the workspace and its projects

Or, if you know the name:

workspace = Xcode.workspace('MyWorkspace')  # Can be the name, the file (e.g. MyWorkspace.xcworkspace) or the path


There is basic support for schemes, you can enumerate them from a project like so:

project.schemes.each do |s|

Or, access them by name:

builder = project.scheme('MyScheme').builder

Note: The builder behaves the same as the builder for the target/config approach and will force xcodebuild to use the local build/ directory (as per xcode3) rather than a generated temporary directory in DerivedData. This may or may not be a good thing.

Provisioning profiles

The library provides a mechanism to install/uninstall a provisioning profile. This normally happens as part of a build (if a profile is provided to the builder, see above), but you can do this manually:"Myprofile.mobileprovision").install	# installs profile into ~/Library

Or enumerate installed profiles:

Xcode::ProvisioningProfile.installed_profiles.each do |p|
	p.uninstall		# Removes the profile from ~/Library/

Security / Keychain

The missing component here is to be able to manipulate keychains. This is quite possible through the command line 'security' tool, but will probably only be necessary once per project, and so I have no plans to support this. If you can think of a use-case, please raise and issue for it!


The common output of this build/package process is to upload to testflight. This may become integrated if there is demand, but you can do something like this (this is calling curl from ruby):

`curl -X POST -F file=@"#{builder.ipa_path}" -F dsym=@"#{builder.dsym_zip_path}" -F api_token='#{TESTFLIGHT_API_TOKEN}' -F team_token='#{TESTFLIGHT_TEAM_TOKEN}' -F notify=True -F notes=\"#{CHANGELOG}\" -F distribution_lists='All'`


There are some basic RSpec tests in the project which I suspect /wont/ work on machines without my identity installed.

Currently these tests only assert the basic project file parsing and build code and do not perform file modification tests (e.g. for info plists) or provisioning profile/keychain importing


Please raise issues if you find defects or have a feature request.