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AppUtils is a robust UIKit utility library specializing in app-wide functionalities, designed to simplify app development.


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UIAppUtils is a robust UIKit utility library specializing in app-wide functionalities, designed to simplify app development.


  • Retrieve app version and build numbers.
  • Get the topmost view controller in the app's view hierarchy.
  • Take a screenshot of the current key window.
  • Open the Settings app or the app-specific settings.
  • Open a given URL.
  • Check media permissions for camera and microphone.
  • Request an app rating from the user.
  • Send an email.


Swift Package Manager (SPM) using Xcode

To integrate UIAppUtils into your Xcode project using Swift Package Manager, follow these steps:

  1. Open your project in Xcode.
  2. Navigate to the menu bar and click File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency....
  3. In the search bar of the new window that appears, paste the following URL:
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to choose the package options and the version you want to integrate.
  5. Once completed, Xcode will download the package and add it to your project navigator.


To use UIAppUtils in your project, you can call its static methods directly:

  1. Retrieve App Version and Build:

    Get the current version and build number of the app:

    print("App Version: \(UIAppUtils.appVersion)")
    print("App Build: \(UIAppUtils.appBuild)")
  2. Get Topmost View Controller:

    Retrieve the topmost view controller in the app's current key window's view hierarchy.

    if let topVC = UIAppUtils.getTopMostViewController() {
        // replace UIViewController() with the controller you want to show 
        topVC.present(UIViewController(), animated: true, completion: nil) 
     } else { 
        print("No view controller found.")
    // Alternate
    // replace UIViewController() with the controller you want to show
    UIAppUtils.getTopMostViewController()?.present(UIViewController(), animated: true, completion: nil) 
  3. Take a Screenshot:

    Capture a screenshot of the app's current key window's view hierarchy.

    if let screenshot = UIAppUtils.takeScreenshot() { 
        // replace UIImageView() with the your imageView.
        UIImageView().image = screenshot 
        print("Screenshot taken.") 
    } else { 
        print("Could not take screenshot.") 
    // Alternate
    // replace UIImageView() with the your imageView.
    UIImageView().image = UIAppUtils.takeScreenshot() ?? UIImage() 
  4. Open Settings:

    Open the main settings app or the app-specific settings.

    UIAppUtils.goToSettingsApp() // Open the 'Settings' app of your device
    UIAppUtils.goToAppSettings() // Open the settings of your app
  5. Open a URL:

    This function allows your app to open various types of URLs, including external URLs (e.g., web links) and custom URL schemes.

    if UIAppUtils.openURL(url: url) {
        // Do something if url is opened
    } else {
        // Do something if url is cannot be opened
    // Alternate
    let url = URL(string: "")!
    UIAppUtils.openURL(url: url) // we can safely discard the result here.
  6. Check Media Permissions:

    Check for camera(video) or microphone(audio) permissions and handle the response.

    The function handles all authorization statuses and shows appropriate alert messages for all cases (not determine, first-time denied, previously denied, restricted, and unknown).

    UIAppUtils.checkMediaPermission(mediaType: .video, showGoToAppSettingsOption: true) { granted in // show an option to navigate to app settings for if permission has been previously denied.
        if granted { 
            print("Camera access granted.") 
        } else { 
            print("Camera access denied.") 
  7. Request App Review:

    Prompt the user to rate your app.

  8. Send an Email:

    Enable users to compose and send emails directly from the app. Includes a delegate to report email status (saved, sent, cancelled, etc.). If the device cannot send emails using the default mail app or if it's not configured, provide an option to redirect to an external email app.

    UIAppUtils.openEmailIntent(externalMailOptions: .showConfirmationPrompt, with: [""], subject: "", body: "") { result in
    switch result {
        case .cancelled:
        case .saved:
        case .sent:
        case .failed:
        @unknown default:

    Note: The delegate method is not applicable when sending emails using an external mail app.

    // Alternate
    // You can even ignore the completion entirely.
    UIAppUtils.openEmailIntent(externalMailOptions: .showConfirmationPrompt, with: [""], subject: "", body: "")


UIAppUtils is released under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for further details.


Contributors are welcomed to fork the project and submit pull requests. Please include unit tests if possible for any new or existing functionality. Also, update the README accordingly.


For further information, contact me via email


AppUtils is a robust UIKit utility library specializing in app-wide functionalities, designed to simplify app development.







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