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Project Description

Created by Rayhanendra

Project Approach and Ideas

  • I use Vite as the build tool because it's fast and easy to setup
  • I use Vue 3 because it's the latest version of Vue and it's faster than Vue 2
  • I use Stylus because it's easy to use and it's similar to SCSS
  • I use Pinia because it's the latest state management for Vue 3
  • I use Cypress for E2E testing because it's easy to use and it's the most popular E2E testing tool for Vue
  • I use Commitlint and Commitizen to standardize commit messages
  • I use ESLint and Prettier for linting and formatting
  • I use Husky to run linting and formatting before commiting

Project Process

  • First, setup the project with Vue 3, Stylus, Pinia, Vue Router, ESLint, Prettier, Husky, Commitlint, and Commitizen
  • Then, setup the router, store, style, and base layout
  • Then, add the checkout page and the stepper component
  • Then, add the checkout form component with vee-validate for form state and add checkout summary
  • Then, break down the checkout form component into smaller components
  • Then, add payment page and implement router children for the checkout steps
  • Then, persist the form state with store
  • Then, fix some ui bugs
  • Then, add filters
  • Then, make the summary reactive
  • Then, add finish page
  • Then, improve ui, form flow, and adjustments
  • Then, implement responsive ui
  • Then, do some refactoring and fixes
  • Finally, add E2E tests with Cypress

Project Setup

Install dependencies:

npm install

Install Husky Git Hooks:

npm prepare

Run Development Server:

npm run dev

Build for Production:

npm run build

Run End-to-End Tests with Cypress

npm run test:e2e


npx cypress open

and then run the checkout test