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Dormitory Election

MWITS DSC Election System


  • PHP 5.6 or later (newer than PHP 7.0 not compatible)
  • Latest version of MariaDB
  • Sites must be served in HTTPS Get SSL certificate from here
  • This site must be on domain root /


First of all, install LEMP stack to your server. I recommended to use nginx Installing Guide

Then, import pre setup MySQL database to your MySQL server

Finally, edit MySQL connection on /config.php

Progressive Web App

This project is built by using newest technology from Google called Progressive Web App

PWA Logo

Native app can do things like send push notifications, work offline, look and feel like a REAL native app, and can be added to the homescreen. Mobile Web Apps can accessed in a mobile browser, by comparison, historically haven’t done those things. Progressive Web App fix that with new Web APIs, new design concepts, and new buzzwords.

In short, it can bring all that stuff to your web application and deliver all exact the same experience that native app did ...Hybrid App


Chrome Firefox Opera Samsung Internet Edge Safari Internet Explorer
45+ 44+ 32+ Based on Chromium 44.2403+ 17+ Limited function and performance Go away REEEEEE


No, trouble \ (•◡•) /