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Transient growth of linear perturbations in 3D shearing box by variational approach


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Copyright 2016 Dmitry N. Razdoburdin.

This file is part of TG_3D. TG_3D is a program that calculats transient growth of linear perturbations in 3D shearing box by power iterations. TG_3D is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. TG_3D is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with TG_3D; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

Numerical code for calculations of transient growth of linear perturbations in 3D shearing box by power iterations.

See paper #PAPER for details

##Project structure:

  • configs/ Configuration files:

    • compile_keys.conf Contains compilation parameters.
    • link_keys.conf Contains non-numerical parameters of calculation.
    • params.conf Contains numerical parameters of calculation.
  • sourses/ Sourses files:

    • main.cpp The main project file (uncoment one of code blocks).
    • classes.h Header file with classes description.
    • methods.cpp Class methods which are common for all boundary conditions and metric type.
    • methods_3D.cpp Class methods for metric coincident with acoustic energy of perturbations.
    • methods_first.cpp Class methods for boundary conditions of first type.
    • methods_second.cpp Class methods for boundary conditions of second type.
    • methods_infinite.cpp Class methods for infinite flows.
    • methods_periodic.cpp Class methods for periodic boundary conditions.
    • functions.cpp Functions which are common for all flow types.
    • functions_homogeneous.cpp Functions for homogeneous flow.
    • functions_isothermal.cpp Functions for isothermal flow.
    • functions_polytropic.cpp Functions for polytropic flow.
    • functions.h Common header for all functions.cpp files.*
    • procedures.cpp Some procedures for main.cpp
    • procedures.h Header for procedures.cpp
  • Makefile Makefile

  • This file

##Compilation To compile project run 'make' in terminal.

You need to have the following:

  • c++ compiler
  • make
  • gnu scientific library (gsl)
  • argtable

(Note that code was tested only for gcc in bouth Linux and Mac).

(If you have gcc<4.9, you need to set "VECTORIZE=no" in configs/link_keys.conf).

##Running the code To start calculations run 'make task' in terminal.

##Configuration ###Non-numerical parameters (configs/link_keys.conf)

  • Choosing of the background flow: BACKGROUND={homogeneous, polytropic, isothermal}
  • Choosing of the metric type (now only one type is available) METRIC=3D
  • Choosing of the boundary conditions: BOUNDARY={first, second, periodic} Boundary conditions of first type mean that W=0 at the boundaries, second --- dW/dz=0
  • Using vectorisation in parallel regions of the code (gcc >=4.9 is required) VECTORIZE={yes, no}
  • Using additional conditions of iterations interruption (see paragraph "Conditions of iterations interruption" for details): SIGNAL2={yes, no} SIGNAL3={yes, no} SIGNAL4={yes, no}
  • Check equality of (Aq, Aq)=(A^{\dag}Aq, q) after every iteration (maybe time consuming) TEST_OF_CONJUGATION={yes, no}
  • Output of short or full information at the file: G_OUTPUT={short, full}
  • Write iterations log at the screen or save it into log file: LOG_OUTPUT={stderr, TG_3D.log} (You can set any file name you want instead of TG_3D.log).

###Numerical parameters (configs/params.conf) For setting numerical parameters the following keys can be used:

  • Required parameters:
    • --ky, double, Wave-number in y direction
    • --dz, double, Step of discretization
    • --C, double, Constant for CFL condition
  • Not required parameters:
    • --n, double, Polytropic index, default: 1.5
    • --kx, double, Wave-number in x direction, default: 0
    • --Topt, double, Optimisation time, default: 1
    • --Lz, double, Half-thickness of the isothermal flow, , default: 1
    • --q, double, Shear rate, default: 1.5
    • --mu, double, Position of initial condition, default: 0.2
    • --sigma, double, Size of initial condition, default: 0.1
    • --cores, int, Number of openmp threads (0 --- all available), default: 0
    • --cond1, double, First conditions of iterations interruption, default -5
    • --cond2, double, Second conditions of iterations interruption, default -6
    • --cond4, int, Fourth conditions of iterations interruption, default 500

##Output format The transient amplification factor is recorded in file "G_$BACKGROUND_$METRIC_$BOUNDARY" in the following format (one lines for one calculation, number in square brackets denote column number):

  • [1] Wave-number in x direction
  • [2] Wave-number in y direction
  • [3] Shear rate
  • [4] Polytropic index
  • [5] Step of discretization
  • [6] Constant for CFL condition
  • [7] Optimisation time
  • [8] Amplification factor
  • [9] First conditions of iterations interruption
  • [10] Condition that interrupted iterations during this calculations {1,2,3,4}.

By setting G_OUTPUT key to "full" additional information can be added to the output:

  • [11] F(kz=0, t=0)
  • [12] F(kz=0, t=Topt)
  • [13] kz_max(t=0)
  • [14] kz_max(t=Topt)
  • [15] F(kz_max(t=0), t=0)
  • [16] F(kz_max(t=Topt), t=Topt)
  • [17] Ex(t=0)
  • [18] Ex(t=Topt)
  • [19] Ey(t=0)
  • [20] Ey(t=Topt)
  • [21] Ez(t=0)
  • [22] Ez(t=Topt)
  • [23] Ew(t=0)
  • [24] Ew(t=Topt)
  • [25] Number of curent singular value

Here F(kz, t) is a square of Fourier-amplitude of wave-number kz divided by sum of squares of all Fourier-amplitudes in the decomposition at time t, kz_max(t) is wave-number corresponding to maximal F at time t, E{x,y,z,w}(t) is energy component associated with {vx, vy, vz, w} in units of full energy of perturbation.

It is also possible to record perturbation profiles by using method "write" for classes "perturbation" and "optimal". It records perturbation in folder "result", file name format "q=%.3lf kx=%.2lf ky=%.2lf t=%.2lf". Format of output:

  • [1] coordinate
  • [2] v_x
  • [3] v_y
  • [4] v_z
  • [5] w
  • [6] energy density associated with v_x, v_y and v_z
  • [7] energy density associated with w

##Conditions of iterations interruption: To determine moment to interruption of iterations it is naturally to use determination of singular vector: A^{\dag} A q = \sigma^2 q. That leads to the first condition: ||A^{\dag} A q -\sigma^2 q||^2 / sigma^2 ** 10^{cond1}

Unfortunately sometimes first condition cannot be met with fixed dz and C due to numerical errors of integration. That's way it can be useful to use another criterions. The second criterion interrupts iterations than changing of value X=||A^{\dag} A q -\sigma^2 q||^2 / sigma^2 become to slow: (X_{i-1}-X{i})/X_{i-1}**10^{cond2} The third one interrupts iterations when growth factor start decreasing. And the fourth criterion interrupts iterations after cond4 iterations. You can disable any of last three criterion in the link_keys.conf.


Transient growth of linear perturbations in 3D shearing box by variational approach







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