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Nodejs Typescript Environment Validator and Loader


Tired of repeating (or copy/paste) the same environment variable handling and validation over and over again?
envrr aims to help with that!

It does so by using an Environment typed and decorated class via a small build step


npm install --save envrr


We start by firstly defining our env.ts


// <cwd>/src/env.ts
import { EnvVariable, IsPartOfEnum, DefaultsTo, IsCronString } from 'envrr';

export class Environment {
  applicationName: string;

  port: number;

  @IsPartOfEnum(['debug', 'info', 'warn', 'error'])
  logLevel: string;

  redis: RedisConnectionConfig;

  prometheus: PrometheusConfig;

  secretExpireAt: Date;

  notifyPeriod: string;

class RedisConnectionConfig {
  host: string;

  port: number;

  username: string;

  password: string;

  indexes: string[];

class PrometheusConfig {
  enabled: boolean;

  host: string;

  port: number;

  defaultQuantiles?: number[];

  flags?: PrometheusFlags;

class PrometheusFlags {
  enabledEndpoints?: string[];

  enabledUserIds?: number[];

Note: the name of the file nor the location is not important (as its target can be changed within the build step); the important part is to export the Environment class.

Building the env types

The type definition of the Environment class must be built in order to survive past runtime.
We use tparserr to translate the type definition into a .json file, and we do so as below:
tparserr generate --includeOnlyExports --enableDecorators -f=<env.ts target path> -o=<env.json output path>

By default envrr looks for the env.json type descriptions under <cwd>/env.json - this however can be changed via adjusting the targetPath passed to the envrr initialisation.

Following the example above, we can build the types by either manually running:
npx tparserr generate --includeOnlyExports --enableDecorators -f=./src/env.ts -o=./env.json
or simply adding it as a package.json script and hook it before out tsc build.


  // ...
  "scripts": {
    "build-env": "tparserr generate --includeOnlyExports --enableDecorators -f=./src/env.ts -o=./env.json",
    "build": "npm run build-env && tsc"
  // ...


It is recommended to initialise envrr as soon as possible during the app startup in order to validate if the whole environment corresponds to the typed Environment; after which it can be used/reused throughout the application without having to initialize (singleton).

// <cwd>/src/index.ts
process.env.APPLICATION_NAME = 'test';
process.env.PORT = '3000';
process.env.LOG_LEVEL = 'debug';

process.env.REDIS_HOST = 'localhost';
process.env.REDIS_PORT = '6379';
process.env.REDIS_USERNAME = 'user';
process.env.REDIS_PASSWORD = 'password';
process.env.REDIS_INDEXES = 'abc, def, ghi';

process.env.PROMETHEUS_ENABLED = 'true';
process.env.PROMETHEUS_HOST = 'localhost';
process.env.PROMETHEUS_PORT = '9090';
process.env.PROMETHEUS_DEFAULT_QUANTILES = '0.5, 0.9, 0.99';
process.env.SECRET_EXPIRE_AT = '2025-05-01 12:00:00';
process.env.NOTIFY_PERIOD = '* */1 * * *';

import { Environment } from './env';
import { Enver } from 'envrr';

(async function main() {
  await Enver.initialize<Environment>();

  const env = Enver.getEnv<Environment>();
  // const env: Environment

  const port = Enver.get<Environment, 'port'>('port');
  // const port: number

  const hasRedisHost = Enver.has('');
  // const hasRedisHost: boolean

  const redisOpts = Enver.get<Environment, 'redis'>('redis');
  // const redisOpts: RedisConnectionConfig

  const redisPort = Enver.get<Environment, 'redis', 'port'>('redis', 'port');
  // const redisPort: number

  const prometheusDefaultQuantiles = Enver.get<
  >('prometheus', 'defaultQuantiles');
  // const prometheusDefaultQuantiles: number[]

  const prometheusEnabledUserIds = Enver.get<
  >('prometheus', 'flags', 'enabledUserIds');
  // const prometheusEnabledUserIds: number[]

  const secretExpireAt = Enver.get<Environment, 'secretExpireAt'>(
  // const secretExpireAt: Date

Note: in case the environment is invalid, envrr will throw errors in the order of validation/type description (fail-fast)

API tldr;

  • initialize - used to initialise envrr
  • getEnv - used to get the whole loaded environment
  • has - checks whether a json path (e.g. nesting.key.otherKey) to an environment variable exists
  • get - used to get specific env variable values

Supported Decorators

  • @EnvVariable - required on any Environment property that requires validation/loading
  • @IsPartOfEnum - used to restrict allowed values to a predefined enum
  • @DefaultsTo - used to default env variables if not present
  • @IsCronString - validates the string to be an either 5 char or 6 char cron string


export interface IEnverConfig {
  // by default it points to <cwd>/env.json for its' to be loaded type definitions
  targetPath?: string;


Any improvement ideas/suggestions; feel free to open an issue :)


This library is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License


Nodejs Typescript Environment Validator and Loader







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