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Cordova/Phonegap bindings for Razorpay's Mobile SDKs

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Official Cordova/Phonegap plugin for integrating Razorpay's checkout.

Supported platforms

  • Android
  • iOS
  • Browser

You can check out the sample apps for:-


Install the plugin

Note: For Windows users, please run this on Git Bash instead of Command Prompt. You can download Git for Windows here.

cd your-project-folder
cordova platform add android      # optional
cordova platform add ios          # make sure your ios version is ios@5 or latest.
cordova platform add browser      # optional
cordova plugin add --save

(or, phonegap plugin add --save)

Note: Make sure that you set Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries of your main target to yes.

Note: Remember to enable bitcode on your iOS project. We support Xcode 11+ versions.

Integration code

Orders API Flow

With the advent of auto-capture using Order API, the integration needs to change a little (only if you are using this flow). The only change is that the callbacks have to be added as events. Here is a code sample:

var options = {
  description: 'Credits towards consultation',
  image: '',
  currency: 'INR',
  key: 'rzp_test_1DP5mmOlF5G5ag',
  order_id: 'order_7HtFNLS98dSj8x',
  amount: '5000',
  name: 'foo',
  theme: {
    color: '#F37254'

var successCallback = function(success) {
  alert('payment_id: ' + success.razorpay_payment_id)
  var orderId = success.razorpay_order_id
  var signature = success.razorpay_signature

var cancelCallback = function(error) {
  alert(error.description + ' (Error '+error.code+')')

RazorpayCheckout.on('payment.success', successCallback)
RazorpayCheckout.on('payment.cancel', cancelCallback)

Change the options accordingly. Supported options can be found here.

External Wallets

We also support displaying wallets like Citrus and Paytm, which are currently not a part of the standard Razorpay offering. After the user chooses which one of these they want, control is handed back to you with data like wallet name, contact and email of the user. This helps you take the next steps towards facilitating the payment and Razorpay's role in that payment cycle ends there.

To add a wallet, change the options JSON as follows:

var options = {
  currency: 'INR',
  key: 'rzp_test_1DP5mmOlF5G5ag',
  amount: '5000',
  external: {
    wallets: ['paytm']

To get callback for this, add this before calling open:

RazorpayCheckout.on('payment.external_wallet', externalWalletCallback)


This is legacy integration code and we will continue to support it till further notice. Your server needs to send capture request in this scenario, after the payment is completed.

var options = {
  description: 'Credits towards consultation',
  image: '',
  currency: 'INR',
  key: 'rzp_test_1DP5mmOlF5G5ag',
  amount: '5000',
  name: 'foo',
  theme: {
    color: '#F37254'

var successCallback = function(payment_id) {
  alert('payment_id: ' + payment_id)

var cancelCallback = function(error) {
  alert(error.description + ' (Error '+error.code+')')
}, successCallback, cancelCallback)

Android Lifecycle Guide

It is recomended that you read this first before proceeding with this section

Since our plugin launches a new activity on Android, the cordova activity goes in the background and might get destroyed by the Android System. For this scenario, you need to add the following code to make sure the payment result is delivered after the cordova activity is recreated:

// You need to register an event listener for the `resume` event
document.addEventListener('resume', onResume, false);
var onResume = function(event) {
        // Re-register the payment success and cancel callbacks
        RazorpayCheckout.on('payment.success', successCallback)
        RazorpayCheckout.on('payment.cancel', cancelCallback)
        // Pass on the event to RazorpayCheckout

Things to be taken care:

  • Add the integration code snippet after deviceready event.

  • On browser platform, change the Content Security Policy to whitelist the domain.

<meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="default-src 'self' https://* data: gap: 'unsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; media-src *">
  • Due to the way ionic works, we can't support ionic serve at the moment. Try using ionic run browser instead of ionic serve. ionic serve doesn't support cordova browser plugins at the moment. See driftyco/ionic-cli#354.


If you are still not able to integrate, then go to FAQ.


We don't support capacitor because of the app support dependency, for more details go through this link.