A library which makes your REPL the best IDE ever and promotes totally "editorless" approach.
The ambitious goal is eliminate the code editor at all. REPL should be full autonomous: any declaration should be properly synchronized into the filesystem including proper dependency tree. The runtime is our friend. The code should be self-aware.
In the future you'll start a repl (even without a project), start hacking, compose your -main
function and just have your project in the fs properly saved, ready to be compiled to jar :)
Note, this is proof of concept for now. Everything will change :)
(define-code) macro allows you preserve fn definitioncljsh.repl/save
fn dumps the code and updates it properlycljsh.namespaces/add-requires-from-var
fn to patch fn's namespace with required importscljsh.deps/install!
fn to add dependency dynamically and update project dependencies inside the lein's project
(ns cljsh.example)
(use 'cljsh.repl)
;; define fns using this macro instead of defn
(defnc f1 [] (println (str "Any crazy code" (or true "even macros" "(you know 'or' is a macro)"))))
(defnc f2 [] (println (str "Now use f1:" (f1))))
;; at some point just save it to the filesystem
(-> f1 var save)
(-> f2 var save) ;; no dependency management right now, sorry, note the dependency-first order
;; now hack on any fn
(defnc f1 [] "Refactored")
;; and just save the function again!
(-> f1 var save)
;; check filesystem contents:
(-> f2 var var->sym-filename slurp println)
the output and the content of src/cljsh/example.clj
should be like this:
(clojure.core/ns cljsh.example)
(clojure.core/defn f1 [] "Refactored")
(clojure.core/defn f2 [] (println (str "Now use f1:" (f1))))
Of course this ns is ready to be used. Check like this:
(require 'cljsh.example :reload)
;; This will print:
;; Now use f1:Refactored
Reader macros are written already expanded by repl reader (e.g. #(pr %)
-> (fn* [foo#] (pr foo#))
, also '
-> quote
, #'
-> var
Use function, not reader macros to get pretty dumped fns (expanded are saved also correctly, but look ugly)
Yes. This library is being developed absolutely without any editor.
I started with clojure
and com.cemerick/pomegranate
adding dependencies on the fly. Nothing else. Even no shell commands (used lucid.git
to commit & push)!
Copyright © 2017 Vlad Bokov
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.