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Psychology test application using .Net Core and react

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This is a Personality test application that allows users to see if they are an introvert or an extrovert. The test is dynamically configured. Multiple tests can be added and the application is not limited to Personality tests only, any psychology tests can be added.

The application is built using .Net Core 6 and Entity Framework Core with an in-memory database.

Application Domain

Test Score Calculation

The score of the test is calculated using the Weighted Sum Method:

Every possible answer for all questions has a score configured which is an int, for example if we want to test if the person is an introvert or an extrovert, then a low score meas that the person is an introvert, and a high score means the person is an extrovert. The user can select only one anwer for every question, and the score of the selected answer will be used in the calculation.

The score of the test is a sum of the individual score of each question. Each question has a weight, this represents how much the score of that specific question weights in the final test score. This means that some questions can be more important than the others, and the system administrator can choose which one is which.

Before the test score is computed all the results must be normalized. This will ensure us that if a question has 5 possible answers and one has only 3, this will not influence the result of the test. The normalization is done by dividing the score of each question by the maximum score possible for that question.

Then the weighted score of the question is computed by multiplying the question score by the weight of the question. Then the final test score is computed by adding the weighted scores for all questions.

The tests has configured a list of possible results. Every possible result has a MinScore and a MaxScore. The test score is compared with these values to select the test result that corresponds to the computed score.


At the core of the application domain is the TestTemplate entity. As the name suggests, this represents a template for the actual tests. This contains the Title, Description and a list of possible answers and possible results of the test.

Property Type Description
Title string The title of the test.
Description string A short description of the test.
Questions List A list of all questions.
PossibleResults List The list of all possible results.


The TestQuestion contains beside the Title a Weight. This is used for computing the test result, and represents how much does the question weight in the score calculation.

Property Type Description
Title string The title of the question.
Weight decimal Represents how much does the question weights in the test score calculation.
MaxScore decimal The maximum score of all answers. This is used for normalization.
Answers List A list of all question possible answers.


The TestAnswer is composed of the answer Content and the answer Score which will is used in calculating the test result.

Property Type Description
Content string The content of the aswer.
Score int The score of the answer. This will be used in the test calculation to compute the result.


Represents a possible result of the test. It contains the Name and Description of the result, but also the MinScore and the MaxScore that are used to choose the result for the test from the list of all possible results.


The application is based on the Clean Architecture pattern (also known as Onion Architecture). This means that the application is made in layers and each layer has it's own responsibility.


At the core of the application are the Domain and the Application layers. The domain contains business model and types and the application layer contains application specific business rules. The Infrastructure layer is responsible for implementing all the IO operations or external services integration. The most important thing is that all the dependencies are towards the center, so nothing in the inner layer knows anything about something in an outer layer.

Project structure


The project is structured based on the architecture diagram with some small changes. We have one project for Domain, Application and Infrastructure. For simplicity purposes the Persistence is in the same project as Infrastructure. The Presentation is splitted into two projects, we have one project for the WebAPI and one project for the WebApp which is the React frontend application.

Future development

  1. Add user authentication
  2. Add user auditing for entities
  3. Add proper logging

Running the application

The application can be run using docker. To build the application docker images you can run build.ps1 for Windows or for OS X or Linux. Then you can use docker compose up -d to start the containers and docker compose down to stop the containers.

The web application is availale at http://localhost:44498/ and the API is available at http://localhost:7137/swagger/index.html.