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Installation Guide

Austin Gilbert edited this page Apr 11, 2023 · 4 revisions

Both steps can be done independent of each other, and in whichever order without causing server errors. Just understand that the buttons installed via the Sitecore package won't do anything without the files, and that the optimized JavaScript files won't be able to be generated on the CD server without the buttons.

1. Install the NuGet Package

Majority of the plugin is installed via the SXA Theme Optimizations NuGet package. Install the NuGet package to one of your solution's C# projects and fully build the solution or the C# project so that the files in the NuGet package are copied into your GIT repo.

Upload or deploy the following files through your typical deployment process to the Standalone, CM, and CD server roles:

  • The SXA.Theme.Optimizations.dll in the bin folder.
  • Both view files in the ~/Views/SxaLayout folder.
  • The folder App_Config/Modules/SXA.Theme.Optimizations and it's config file.
  • The folder sitecore modules/Web/SXAThemeOptimizations and it's README.MD file.

If the NuGet package runs into issues copying the files to the filesystem while building the project or solution, you can use a tool such as "7zip" to unzip the NuGet package and gain access to the files that way.

2. Install the Sitecore Package

Install the Sitecore package through the installation wizard on the Standalone and CM server roles only. This contains the core database items required for triggering the "Optimize Scripts" command. The Sitecore packages can be downloaded from its GitHub release or within the Sitecore Packages folder.