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Getting Started Linux

Bob Baker edited this page May 1, 2020 · 18 revisions

Download the Files

To get started, download the latest release for your system at the Releases page.
The following platforms will be supported:

  • Linux-x64
  • Linux-ARM (Raspberry Pi)
  • Linux-MUSL-x64 (not common)

In addition to the command-line programs, the SAP1Emu Project will also support a single GUI using Electron.NET, a wrapper around Electron allowing for ASP.NET Core Linkage.
This GUI should be able to run on Windows, Linux, and OSX with x64-bit architecture. ARM will most likely not be supported.

The GUI program is still under development, but instructions for installing it will be found here.

Extracting the Files

The files come in .tar file to save space when uploading. You will need tar installed on you system to extract the files.

Run the following commands

tar -xvf ./SAP1Emu-CLI-linux-x64.tar
mv linux-x64/ SAP1Emu-CLI-linux-x64/
cd SAP1Emu-CLI-linux-x64/
ls -l

You should see the following output:

<name>@<system>:~/SAP1Emu-CLI-linux-x64$ ls -l
total 376
-rwxr-xr-x 1 name name   204800 Jan  1 19:01 CommandLine.dll
-rwxr-xr-x 1 name name     7168 Apr 30 14:16 SAP1EMU.Assembler.dll
-rwxr-xr-x 1 name name     1676 Apr 30 14:16 SAP1EMU.Assembler.pdb
-rwxr-xr-x 1 name name     7168 Apr 30 14:16 SAP1EMU.Engine.dll
-rwxr-xr-x 1 name name     1644 Apr 30 14:16 SAP1EMU.Engine.pdb
-rwxr-xr-x 1 name name    20992 Apr 30 14:16 SAP1EMU.Lib.dll
-rwxr-xr-x 1 name name     8332 Apr 30 14:16 SAP1EMU.Lib.pdb
-rwxr-xr-x 1 name name    86424 Apr 30 14:16 SAP1Emu
-rwxr-xr-x 1 name name     1950 Apr 30 14:16 SAP1Emu.deps.json
-rwxr-xr-x 1 name name    14336 Apr 30 14:16 SAP1Emu.dll
-rwxr-xr-x 1 name name     2952 Apr 30 14:16 SAP1Emu.pdb
-rwxr-xr-x 1 name name      146 Apr 30 14:16 SAP1Emu.runtimeconfig.json

Installing the .Net Core Runtime

Use the links below to install the .Net Core Runtimes:

Testing the Download

From the SAP1Emu-CLI-linux-x64/ directory, run the following:


You should see the following output:

rbaker@DESKTOP-EUK8SOJ:~/SAP1Emu-CLI-linux-x64$ ./SAP1Emu
SAP1Emu 1.0.0
Copyright (C) 2020 Bob Baker

  Required option 's, source-file' is missing.

  -s, --source-file     Required.
                        <FileName>.s Input file containing assembly code.
                        <FileName>.b Input file containing compilied binary.

  -o, --output-file     (Default: a.out) Place the output into <file>.

  -v, --verbose         Set output to verbose.
                        (inlcudes debug statements from the engine)

  -V, --very-verbose    Set output to very verbose.
                        (includes debug statements from the engine and the input file in output)

  -f, --fframe          Include final frame in the output file.

  -F, --Fframe          Include all frames in the output file.

  -d, --debug           Turns on Debug Mode

  --help                Display this help screen.

  --version             Display version information.

If you see an error regarding .Net Core Runtimes, please refer to these install links (duplicated from above)

You're Done

Please see the Your First Program page to learn how to make the assembly files.