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This repo contains the files needed to build the Docker image for rbanffy/vm370.


Building the image

By default, we'll build the VM370 Six Pack image. To build it, run:

docker build -t vm370 .

To run the image you just built on an amd64 computer, use:

docker run -it -p 3270:3270 -p 8081:8081 $USER/vm370:latest-amd64

At this point, you can connect your terminals to localhost on port 3278. To get to the web console, connect to http://localhost:8081 using the credentials for the MAINT user (as published in the Sixpack documentation).

Building an image with other OSs

By default we'll build based on Dockerfile-vm370. To select other Dockerfiles, set the variable OPERATING_SYSTEM.

OPERATING_SYSTEM=vm370ce make build

Running from Docker Hub

To run the VM370 Six Pack image without building it locally, use:

docker run -it -p 3270:3270 -p 8081:8081 rbanffy/vm370

MVS Tk4- uses port 8038 for the web console:

docker run -it -p 3270:3270 -p 8038:8038 rbanffy/mvstk4

Deploying it to a Docker Swarm

This image is intended to run as a service on a cluster. To create a vm370 service on your cluster, run:

docker service create --name vm370 --publish 3270:3270 --publish 8081:8081 rbanffy/vm370

When the service is up and running, connecting a 3270 session to any node will get you to the VM370 welcome screen.

A warning

The web-based Hercules console is not working properly for the VM370 images at the moment, but work correctly with MVS 3.8 Tk4- on port 8038.

A more serious issue is that data is not persisted beyond the life of the container, or when the workload is moved to a new node. Use it at your own peril (and, if you know how, help improving it).