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MyntyPhresh edited this page Jul 22, 2019 · 20 revisions

What Is Fairy Game?

Take on the role of a small fairy exiled from the fairy world who finds themself in an abandoned and overgrown garden. After being exiled from the fairy world and ostracized from the only community that you've ever known, you're on a quest to regain your magic abilities and help restore the garden that you find yourself in to its former glory. Battle your way through dungeons, craft unique items from the plants and resources that you've harvested, and create your own community out of all of the creatures you help along the way.

What can I do in Fairy Game?


The garden is divided up into //different areas//, each of which is home to its own unique plants, creatures, and adventures. When you first start the game, your range is limited to the home tree and the //first area//. As you explore, you'll come across //fairy shrines//, which are used to unlock areas of the game. The other way to gain access to new areas is by progressing through the main story quests of the game. Upon "clearing" one area's main story quests, the next area and its quests will become available to the player.

The Home Tree

The home tree is the player's house, but most importantly, it's also their home. The home tree is a customizable space consisting of The Jar Bar, the Merchant's Square, and the Apartments. Behind the tree you can find the //fairy relic//, an object imbued with fairy power that allows the player to upgrade their fairy abilities.

Garden Areas

Upon unlocking each new area, you're faced with wild overgrowth, thorny bushes and grey, dismal, sad plants and creatures. As the player helps the area recover, color begins to return, wild thorn bushes retreat, and creatures grow content and may gift the player with items. There are parts of each area where the player can begin to plant their own plants however they please, adding to the beauty of this area of the garden. Around the area, the player can find wandering NPC's who may have missions to plant more of a specific kind of plant nearby. Plot-crucial NPC's will be found in predictable set locations.


The entrances to dungeons are found scattered throughout the over-world, and the player must explore to find all of them. Dungeons are easier to defeat during the day, but offer rarer and more abundant rewards when defeated at night. Each area of the garden has a predetermined amount of dungeons that are a part of the main story, and are pre-designed as opposed to procedurally generated. Dungeons will, on occasion, have areas that are blocked off or inaccessible to the player until they have met a certain requirement or acquired a specific fairy ability. These areas may contain rare items, or fairies that are trapped in crystals that improve your reputation with the fairy community when freed. These items and fairies can only be found once, and will not respawn. To progress to the next area of the garden, every dungeon in the previous area must be defeated. Once the area has been fully completed, //NPC// will appear, allowing you to defeat an infinite number of procedurally generated dungeons. These dungeons are challenging, but offer great rewards.



There are two different ways to plant seeds: single-seed planting, where you place one seed at a time, and multi-seed planting, where you plot out an area and it automatically fills with your selected plant type. Each type of plant takes up a pre-set amount of space in both modes, so usage is up to the player's personal preference. Smaller crops, like flowers, mushrooms, and //non flower small plants// grow fairly quickly and are destroyed upon harvesting. Larger plants, like melons, pumpkins, and gourds, take a long time to grow and can either be harvested, destroying the plant, or hollowed out, leaving a space for an NPC to come along and make into a home. ___ More info on Pumpkins and Their Usage___. You can garden in pre-determined areas in both the home base and all of the other garden areas. Gardening in a corrupted area will help restore it.


Wands, armor, staves, furniture, and cosmetic items can all be crafted using resources grown and gathered in the gardens. There are regular items (daffodils, ash wood, dewdrops) as well as fantasy items (elder lily, water energy, birdsong) that grant special additions to items when used in crafting. Still being flushed out


Fairy Abilities

Abilities that are unlocked at the //fairy shrine// as you progress through the game.

  • Nature’s Essence
    • Gain the ability to talk to the spirit of a plant and harvest without removing the plant
    • Gain less than you would initially, but will also gain resources over time
  • Fae Recycling
    • Harvest a small portion of plant, doesn’t kill it, allows you to continue to harvest without replanting (using seeds)
  • Combat abilities
    • AOE, single bolt attacks, ranged AOE, healing
  • Flying
  • Double Jump
  • Lucky Farming (Green Thumb)