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production management for people who produce

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You will need a creds file of the format outlined in creds.example.json. You will also need postgres installed, a db called 'test' with a user called 'test' and a password of 'test' (if you want to populate it with dummy data) and use the url for that local postgres db in the creds file.

git clone
cd chandelier
npm install
npm run mk
npm run build
npm start

If you wish to populate the db with dummy data and be able to log in, go to test/api/helpers/helpers, comment in the 3 lines at the bottom, and run the following (use rather than

EMAIL=insert_your_google_email_for_login WHY=TRYING_IT_OUT node test/api/helpers/helpers.js

You may have to kill the process after it runs. Now you should be able to run npm start and open up localhost:8080 in your browser and try out the app.


// all
npm test
// frontend
npm test:front
// backend
npm test:back

Dev Scripts

npm run lint
npm run build:watch
npm run live-reload
npm run devserve

Build tools

babel - In our case, transpiles ES6 and JSX code to JS.

						`babel srcFile`

browserify - lets you use the CommonJS require pattern in your frontend JS. Trundles recursively through your 'requires', starting from an entry point, and outputs a single bundle of js containing all your code. Ask for that file in your HTML page, and you'll be good to go.

         `browserify srcFile -o destFile`

watchify - browserify, but smarter. Only rebundles the changed parts of your code. Watches your entry point for any changes and rebundles incrementally when it sees them.

          `watchify srcFile -o destFile`

babelify - Babel transform for browserify.

          `browserify -t babelify srcFile -o destFile`
          `watchify -t babelify srcFile -o destFile`

live-reload - watches a directory for changes, and refreshes any HTML page currently open with a script tag pointing to the server.

          `live-reload watchPath --port 9081`

eslint - lint your tings

Mocha - test framework for front- and back-end.

JSDom - dom simulation for testing

rewire - lets us access/set private variables in modules. Used for testing flux stores

sinon - mocking, stubbing and spying tools for testing

istanbul - test coverage


Production management for people who produce







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