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Small generator that scaffolds out RBMA special feature


First, install Yeoman and generator-rbma-feature using npm (we assume you have pre-installed node.js).

npm install -g yo
npm install -g generator-rbma-feature

Then make a directory, cd into it, and generate your new project:

yo rbma-feature

##Disclaimer This package is new and currently being developed.

##Options More options will be included shortly, but as of now, this generator comes with:

  • Gulp for building
  • Browserify for bundling
  • Sass for styles (actually SCSS)
  • Bourbon for mixins
  • Babel for ES6
  • Headroom.js for RBMA nav
  • Async cuz it helps
  • Jade for views (can be disabled in favor of vanilla HTML when scaffolding)
  • JQuery (can also be disabled when scaffolding)

##Additional Packages Can be installed using npm (ie d3, three, browser-request, etc). They will be packaged up via browserify

###But I Want to Use Non-NPM packages?! No problem. But you still need to let browserify know about it. Just set the shim in package.json file and include the JS from a CDN in the index.html/jade file, or add to the lib directory. Then require('some-thing') like normal.

##Serving Just type gulp or gulp dev

##Production Just type gulp prod to package everything up nicely.

##Deploy No deploy options included here, but once you have a folder on the specials FTP, I recommend adding vinyl-ftp as a dev-dependency and adding a task to the Gulpfile. Or you can just drag and drop.

But be careful... And watch out for media-house caching rules. You will need to manually run gulp rev-replace after running gulp prod.




Yeoman Generator for RBMA specials







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