clj-coffee-script is a Clojure wrapper for compiling CoffeeScript source files into JavaScript.
(require '[coffee-script.core :as cs])
;; Compiles the CoffeeScript string "number = 42" into its
;; JavaScript form:
;; (function() {
;; var number;
;; number = 42;
;; }).call(this);
(cs/compile-coffee "number = 42")
;; Compiles the CoffeeScript string "x = [1,2,3]" into its
;; JavaScript form. The CoffeeScript compiler is passed the
;; optional options map as a JSON string, in this case without the
;; top-level function safety wrapper:
;; var x;
;; x = [1, 2, 3];
(cs/compile-coffee "x = [1,2,3]" {:bare true})
;; If there is a problem with the built-in CoffeeScript compiler,
;; you can use an external version of the compiler by using the
;; with-coffee-compiler macro. Simply pass it a variable that
;; can be coerced into a reader via
(with-coffee-compiler ( "/path/to/coffee-script.js")
(cs/compile-coffee "number = -42 if opposite"))
;; The default compiler options can be changed by binding the
;; *default-coffee-options* symbol to a different value.
(with-binding [*default-compile-options* {:bare true}]
(cs/compile-coffee "square = (x) -> x * x"))
clj-coffee-script is available via clojars. If you are using Leiningen, you can add the package to your project by including the following dependency in your project.clj file:
[clj-coffee-script "1.1.0"]
Copyright (C) 2012 Richard Bolkey
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.