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Raffaele Bolliger edited this page May 13, 2012 · 1 revision

Chapter 3: Definition of the form class

apostrophePollPlugin publishes forms built with the symfony form framework. The framework is extremely powerful and flexible and provides a great bunch of features and tools, such as widgets and validators.

To learn how to define a form class with the symfony form framework, have a look at the official documentation.

How to create a form for a poll

In order to be integrated as a content slot in Apostrophe CMS websites, a form must provide some additional informations with respect to a normal form. This is because apostrophe need to know the identifier of the slot and of the area containing it and a few additional stuff in order to enable administration features.

To ease this work, apostrophePollPlugin provides a base form, which defines some widgets and validators, which will be rendered as hidden fields.

When creating a new poll, the form must extend the aPollBaseForm:

class exampleForm extends aPollBaseForm {
    public function configure()


Saving the form values in the DB

As explained in chapter 2, form values are saved in a_poll_answer_field table. But, depending on the type of form, not all fields shall be saved. Take for example a registration form, where it is usual to display a password field twice, in order to ensure that it is typed correctly.

By default, apostrophePollPlugin doesn't save any field. To tell the plugin which fields shall be saved, use the setFieldsToSave() function provided by aPollBaseForm:

public function configure()
    $this->setFieldsToSave(array('author_email', 'author_name', 'object', 'message'));


The plugin will then save in the DB those fields which are not empty.

Translation of the form fields, help and errors messages

The symfony form framework is internationalizable by default. Look at the form framework documentation to learn how this works. The symfony documentation is also an excellent source to learn how internationalization works in the symfony framerork (and in Apostrophe CMSes).

By default, translation strings are stored in the apostrophe xliff catalogue. To add new translations, it is possible to add new strings to apps/frontend/i18n/apostrophe.XX.xml, where XX is the culture.

It is also possible to create a new xliff catalogue to store the translation of a given form, by redefining the translation catalogue of the form:

class aPollContactForm extends aPollBaseForm {

  public function configure()

Then, create the newCatalogue.XX.xml in the i18n directory.