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Robert Brands edited this page Feb 20, 2019 · 13 revisions

Welcome to the FunctionSiteTools wiki!

This collection of Azure Functions is intended to be used from Web Apps. And btw these examples can be used to start with Azure Functions as serverless computing approach.

See Deployment for deployment instructions. Use a tool like Postman to test the functions. For all functions called per Http-request configure header x-functions-key with a valid function key (to be configured in Azure Functions App). The Content-Type of Http-Request should be application/json

The following functions are provided:

  • Ping - testing if Azure Functions are available

  • ReadGroups - Get all groups the given user is member of in the associated Azure AD

  • ReadGroupMembers - Get all members of the given Group in Azure AS

  • CreateUser - Creates an user in Azure AD tenant

  • InviteUser - Invites a guest user

  • LogToDb - Reads a logging message from a queue and writes it to CosmosDB

  • QueueLogToDb - Receives a logging message as HTTP Post request and pushes it to the message queue.

  • TranslateText - Translates the given text with Azure Cognitive Services

  • AnalyzeImage - Analyzes an image given via url

  • SendMail - Send messages received from a message queue via SendGrid

  • QueueSendMail - Saves email message on queue to be delivered via SendGrid

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