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Dynamic Texture Loader 1.4.2

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@rbray89 rbray89 released this 02 Jan 00:39
· 14 commits to master since this release

Created a new mod to save graphics memory!
Without sacrificing parts or texture quality, this mod unloads and loads textures on the fly! Increase texture resolution to max again!

Now caches regular sized textures for quick reload, and handles IVA textures correctly.
Attempted compatibility with ATM (doesn't use it).

On DirectX 9 with tons of parts, the system memory went from 3205MB down to 2520MB!

DX11 and OpenGL use graphics memory first, and system memory for spillover, so if you use these graphics platforms, this will not likely show anything on system memory unless you use LOTS of part mods with big textures, or have small available graphics memory.

Side effects include:

increased loading times at start
Slight lag when adding new parts when building craft
Increased loading times when launching new crafts
VAB/SPH low res "icons". 
Adding many more mods and/or maxing texture resolution

This is done in my spare time, and any contribution helps!