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Project Solution

Getting and Cleaning Data


This is the description of Barend Scholtus' solution to the programming project for the Getting and Cleaning Data course on Coursera.

The project is divided into five tasks. The solution comprises just one file because each task is small.

The tasks

Merge the training and test sets

First, the script loads the features.txt file with the feature (variable) labels. These are used to create user-friendly (tidy) column names.

Next, the script loads train/subject_train.txt, train/y_train.txt, and train/X_train.txt. The first file has one column only, and each row represents the subject for a measurement. The second file also has only one column, and each row represents the type of actvity that was performed by the subject for that measurement. The last file has a set of 561 columns with features, and each row represents one measurement for that subject doing that activity. The three data sets have the same number of rows (of course.)

The three dataframes are combined with cbind().

Next, the script loads test/subject_test.txt, test/y_test.txt, and test/X_test.txt. These files have the same structure as the previous three, and contain additional rows of data. Again, the three data frames are combined with cbind().

Finally, the two combined datasets are combined using rbind(). The resulting dataset has the following columns:

  • Subject
  • Activity
  • 561 features

Temporary datasets are removed from memory.

Extract only the means and stddevs

The desired features are listed by taking all features in features.txt with the word "mean" or "std" in the name. These are all the features that represent a mean or standard deviation. The last few features use means but are angles, so they are excluded.

After the list of features is prepared, columns in the merged dataset from the first task are filtered based on this list. The result is a dataset with fewer columns:

  • Subject
  • Activity
  • 79 features (means and stddevs)

Use descriptive activity names

The second column contains numeric values representing an activity that subjects perform during measurements. There are six activities such as WALKING, SITTING, etc.

To make the Activity type easier to read, the numeric variable was converted to a factor variable with English labels. Converting to a factor also saves memory, especially if the variable contains strings.

I decided against using merge() because this is a SQL-type of JOIN operation while the desired operation really is just a conversion to a different internal representation (from numeric to string factor.)

The activity labels are read from the activity_labels.txt file, and then applied to the dataset.

Appropriately label the data set with descriptive variable names

This is already done when the data is loaded. The variable names are extracted from the features.txt file, and a simple gsub() substitution is used to make the names look friendlier to the user.

The names clearly show, in abbreviated format, what each column represents. The Codebook provides detailed descriptions of what they mean.

Determine the average of each variable for each activity and each subject

The last operation creates a new data set that comprises the average of each of the 79 features, grouped by Subject and Activity. This is similar to using an SQL query with GROUP BY Subject and Activity and an aggregate function.

In R, this is done using aggregate(). All you need to do is specify the dataset, a list of columns to group by, and the aggregate function (which is mean).

The function created two new columns, each for one of the columns that I grouped by. I tidied up column names.

I followed the discussion on to verify whether this is considered tidy, and the consensus is that it is. Each row and column have a single unambigious purpose, and are easy to understand and work with as well.

The Wickham paper at the below URL also confirms tidyness of the layout I decided on.

Final step

The final step was to write the tidied dataset with averages to disk. I decided to write it to a textfile because this is easily portable. I included column names, but omitted row names.


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