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Numeric Keyboard

How to include it in your project

Add an entry in your project's bower.json file to:

"numeric-keyboard": ""

refer to the latest tag available

Assuming you have already cloned this repository to your machine, browse to the numeric-keyboard folder in the terminal and setup all necessary dependencies (for this project only) with the following command:

npm install

This could take a while, so grab yourself a cup of coffee and please be patient.

Running sandbox

After you setup all necessary dependencies use the following command in the console:

grunt sandbox

This will allow you to see the keyboard in a sandbox environment.

Running unit tests

After you setup all necessary dependencies use the following command in the console:

grunt test

This will run the tests and generate a coverage report in the target folder.

Directive usage


To include the keyboard you simply need to use the directive below.

<numeric-keyboard comma-separator="false" confirm-label="'OK'" ></numeric-keyboard>

Note: you can pass the comma-separator and the confirm-label as optional parameters if needed. By default, the decimal separator is '.' (dot) and the confirm-label is 'OK'.


In order for an input to be connected to the keyboard you need to bind it to an ng-model and use the directive numeric-input.

<input type="text" ng-model="dummyCtrl.values.a" numeric-input="true" />

to disable the "numeric-input" behaviour:

<input type="text" ng-model="dummyCtrl.values.a" numeric-input="false" />

Note: the input will inherit the class numeric-input with all the necessary css.


Alt text