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A SimpleSAMLphp module for creating entitlements using the user's VO membership information adding them to the list of attributes received from the identity provider.

In a nutshell, this module provides a set of SimpleSAMLphp authentication processing filters allowing to use VOMS as an Attribute Authority. Specifically, the module supports retrieving user's VO membership and role information and create entitlements, which are encapsulated in eduPersonEntitlement attribute values following the AARC-G002 specification

The VO membership information must be stored into a SQL table, in order to eliminate any delay in the login process. The table should contain the following columns:

CREATE TABLE vo_membership (
    id integer NOT NULL,
    epuid character varying(256) NOT NULL,
    vo_id character varying(256) NOT NULL,
    valid_from timestamp without time zone,
    valid_through timestamp without time zone,
    status character varying(64)

COmanage Database Client

The attrauthrestvo:COmanageDbClient authentication processing filter is implemented as a SQL client. This module uses the SimpleSAML\Database library to connect to the database. To configure the database connection edit the following attributes in the config.php:

     * Database connection string.
     * Ensure that you have the required PDO database driver installed
     * for your connection string.
    'database.dsn' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=saml',
     * SQL database credentials
    'database.username' => 'simplesamlphp',
    'database.password' => 'secret',

Optionally, you can configure a database slave by editing the database.slaves attribute.

SimpleSAMLphp configuration

The following authproc filter configuration options are supported:

  • userIdAttribute: Optional, a string containing the name of the attribute whose value to use for querying the COmanage Registry. Defaults to eduPersonUniqueId.
  • attributeName: Optional, a string containing the name of the attribute whose value to use for storing the generated entitlement. Defaults to eduPersonEntitlement.
  • defaultRoles: Optional, an array of strings that contains the roles to add to the entitlements.
  • roleUrnNamespace: Required, a string containing the name of the namespace to add to the entitlement in URN format.
  • roleAuthority: Required, a string containing the name of the group-authority to add to the entitlement.
  • legacyEntitlementSyntax: Optional, a boolean that allows the creation of entitlements with alternative syntax. Example entitlement:
  • legacyRoleUrnNamespace: Optional, a string containing the name of the alternative namespace to add to the entitlement in URN format.
  • legacyRoleAuthority: Optional, a string containing the name of the alternative group-authority to add to the entitlement.
  • spBlacklist: Optional, an array of strings that contains the SPs that the module will skip to process.
  • voWhitelist: Optional, an array of strings that contains VOs (COUs) for which the module will generate entitlements.

Note: In case you need to change the format of the entitlements you need to modify the source code.

Example authproc filter configuration

    authproc = [
        '60' => [
            'class' => 'attrauthrestvo:COmanageDbClient',
            'userIdAttribute' => 'eduPersonUniqueId',
            'attributeName' => 'eduPersonEntitlement',
            'defaultRoles' => [
            'roleUrnNamespace' => '',
            'roleAuthority' => '',
            'legacyEntitlementSyntax' => false,
            'legacyRoleUrnNamespace' => '',
            'legacyRoleAuthority' => '',
            'spBlacklist' => [
            'voWhitelist' => [

Compatibility matrix

This table matches the module version with the supported SimpleSAMLphp version.

Module SimpleSAMLphp
v1.0 v1.14
v2.0 v1.17


Licensed under the Apache 2.0 license, for details see LICENSE.