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Command Line Switches

Robert C. Maehl edited this page Oct 11, 2021 · 12 revisions

Below are the available command line switches and their details:

Switch Parameters Description Added
* filetype
* filepath
Exports requirement check results to a file of a certain format:
* CSV: Comma Separated Values, will append without headers to an existing file if one exists.
* TXT: Plain Text File, will always overwrite existing files
- Ignores any OS Environment Incompatibilities, useful for WinPE and other Environments 2.4.1
- Displays a help dialog, then exits. Can NOT be used with any other switch 2.4.0
- Does not display the GUI but still runs checks and returns an Exit Code. Exit Code can be obtained using:
(Start-Process WhyNotWin11.exe -PassThru -Wait).ExitCode
* checkname Skips specific checks and forces them to return false in export results Not yet implemented
* buildtype (optional) Downloads the latest of a specified build:
* Release: Default if no buildtype is specified
* Dev: Latest version automatically compiled based on github commits.
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