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Cowsaid is an application to display cowsay as a service (CAAS).

 (   Cowsay-As-A-Service   )
          \   ^__^
           \  (oo)\_______
              (__)\       )\/\
                  ||----w |
                  ||     ||


Cowsaid is a web service to provide Cowsay as a service.


To get Cowsaid running with minimal effort run the DockerHub image. View at http://localhost:8080.

    $ docker run -it --rm -p 8080:80 rcompos/cowsaid


Run Go Binary

Run Cowsaid application as a Go executable.

Requirements to run Go binary

The following are requirements to run the Cowsaid service as a Go executable.

  • Go version 1.10

  • Fortune (if running Go binary, optional) MacOS: brew install fortune Alpine: apk add git fortune Debian: apt-get install fortune CentOS: yum install fortune

  • Environemntally variable: export GO111MODULE=on

To run Cowsaid as a Go executable, follow these steps to build the binary.

  1. Change to the cowsaid directory.

     $ go version
     $ export GO111MODULE=on 
     $ cd path/to/cowsaid
  2. Build the application binary.

     $ GO111MODULE=on go build
  3. Run the newly built Go binary.

     $ ./cowsaid
  4. Command-line options

Build Docker Image

Build Cowsaid Docker image.

Requirements to run Docker image

The following are requirements to run the Cowsaid service as a Docker container.

  • Docker version 17.1

To run Cowsaid as a Docker container, follow these steps to build the image.

  1. Change to the cowsaid directory.

     $ docker version
     $ cd path/to/cowsaid
  2. Build the Docker image.

     $ docker build -t cowsaid . -f ./build/package/Dockerfile
     $ docker buildx build --platform linux/amd64 -t cowsaid . -f ./build/package/Dockerfile
  3. Run the newly built image.

     $ docker run -it --rm -p 8080:80 cowsaid

Run DockerHub Image

The Cowsaid application can be run as a pre-built DockerHub image. Note this image is a compact image built from Alpine Linux base image.

  1. Run application as Docker container.

     $ docker run -it --rm -p 8080:80 rcompos/cowsaid


  1. View Cowsay Message

Once you have the Cowsaid application running as a service, you can In your web browser, enter the following URL:

  1. API Endpoints

The following API endpoints are available:

  1. Files

View the input, output and log files.


After the service is running, output and log files are created.


Notes: If building Go binary, the following produces a small images well-suited for containerization. Substitute hardware architecture for GOOS (i.e. darwin, linux, etc).

$ GO111MODULE=on CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=darwin go build -a -installsuffix cgo -o cowsaid .


🐮 Cowsay-As-A-Service including fortunes







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