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As described by Wikipedia, KILN is...

A kiln is a thermally insulated chamber, or oven, in which a controlled temperature regime is produced. Uses include the hardening, burning or drying of materials. Kilns are also used for the firing of materials, such as clay and other raw materials, to form ceramics (including pottery, bricks etc.)

Kiln is an open source platform for log aggregation, visualization and analysis. The goal of Kiln is to provide a one stop log visualization platform that provides engineers, managers, and other stakeholders access to log files for multiple applications and environments without the hassle of having to tail log files or browse complex directory structures on remote repositories such as the ones generated by applications deployed on Elastic Beanstalk.

Installing and deploying Kiln is easy, and publishing to Kiln is even easier. Kiln stores all of its data on database (MongoDB) enabling you to establish backup and storage policies that best fit your needs.

The source code for Kiln may be checked out from GitHub.

Server Configuration

Kiln comes pre-configured to connect to a MongoDB instance running on localhost with no authentication. Although this may be considered sufficient for testing purposes, when deploying to a production server you will probably want to configure to use a more robust database solution such as the many cloud solutions currently being offered as a service. To override the default configuration settings you must place a file named "kiln_mongo.yml" on the home directory of the user running your application server.

~/kiln_mongo.yml sample

  port: 10057
  database: kiln_production
  username: mongo_user
  password: s3cr3t

In addition to overriding the database configuration, there are a few other settings that can be overriden by adding a "kiln.yml" file to the home directory of the user running your application server.

~/kiln.yml sample

defaults: &defaults
    allow_new_users: true
        name: Kiln
        admin: Kiln Administrator

        user_name: mail_user
        password: mail_password
        domain: site domain
        address: smtp server
        port: smtp server port
        authentication: plain
        enable_starttls_auto: true

    <<: *defaults

    <<: *defaults

    <<: *defaults

####[environment]:allow_new_users Determines where the application allows new users to register. If set to false only existing users will have access to the application. You can use this option to prevent unauthorized users to see your log files.

####[environment][site]:name You can use this property to specify the name of the site. If not specified, it will default to 'Kiln'.

####[environment][site]:url You should use this to specify the site url. This is used by the mailer to embed links on emails sent to users, such as registration, notifications, and others.

####[environment][site]:admin You may specify the name of the site administrator. This is used by the mailer to sign outgoing emails from the server.

####[environment][site]:admin_email You may specify the email address of the site administrator. This is used by the mailer to sign outgoing emails from the server.

####[environment][mail_server]:user_name You should specify the email user name if your outgoing (smtp) email server requires authentication.

####[environment][mail_server]:password You should specify the email user password if your outgoing (smtp) email server requires authentication.

####[environment][mail_server]:domain You may need to specify the domain your emails will come from depending on the requirements from your smtp provider.

####[environment][mail_server]:address You need to specify the server name or ip address for your smtp provider if you want to be able to send emails. Emails are necessary for user creation, as this is the mechanism used to deliver the site generated password for a new user.

####[environment][mail_server]:port You need to specify the server port for your smtp provider if you want to be able to send emails. Emails are necessary for user creation, as this is the mechanism used to deliver the site generated password for a new user.

####[environment][mail_server]:authentication You may need to specify the authentication type for your smtp provider. Check your provider's documentation to find out what this needs to be set to.

####[environment][mail_server]:enable_starttls_auto You may need to ttls for your smtp provider. Check your provider's documentation to find out what this needs to be set to.


####[environment]:host The hostname or IP address of your MongoDB instance. ####[environment]:port The port used to connect to your MongoDB instance. ####[environment]:database The name of the database you want to use for storing the log events. ####[environment]:username The username used to connect to your MongoDB instance. We recommend you leave this as an environment variable for easier configuration. ####[environment]:password The password used to connect to your MongoDB instance. We recommend you leave this as an environment variable for easier configuration.

Log4J Appender

If you are using Maven with Java or another JVM based languange, you can add a dependency to the Kiln adapter to your application, and usually through a simple configuration line push log events to your Kiln instance.

The project information and source code for the Log4J adaptor is currently available the Project Page on GitHub. Feel free to check it out, contribute or report bugs.






dependencies {
    runtime 'com.nevermindsoft:kiln-adaptor-java:1.8'


log4j = {
    appenders {
        appender    new com.nevermindsoft.kiln.RemoteServiceAppender(
                name:            "remote",
                moduleName:      "My Module Name",
                apiKey:          "get-key-from-kiln",
                environmentName: grails.util.Environment.current.getName(),
                serverUrl:       "http://my.url/api/events/publish",
                maxRequestItems: 200,
                sleepTime:       5000
    root {
        info  'remote'

Restful API

Kiln's provides a restful JSON based api that can be used to gain access to repository functionality. You can use the API methods specified below to write new appender for additional programming languages, generate external reports, or even add monitors to notify stakeholders of potential risks from application errors or intrusion attempts.


This method allows you to publish event logs to the repository. You will need to create an application and use the provided API Key to connect to Kiln.


The name of the application module publishing this log event. This is usually a qualified stand alone part of your application or application suite. (optional)


The location, in code, where the message originated from. This would tipically include the class name, method name, and, if available, a line number. (optional)


The log level for this event. Examples are INFO, WARN, ERROR. (optional)


The textual message for the log event.


The timestamp for the log event. The format is %m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S %z. (optional)


The name of the application thread where the log event originated. This is helpful for detecting which worker thread on a multi-threaded application has generated the log. (optional)


A string representation of the stack trace associated with the log event. This is useful for capturing exception stack traces for errors. (optional)


The name of the environment where the log event originated. This is useful to differentiate between development, staging, production or any other environments you may be maintaining concurrently on your project. (optional)

Example request payload

    api_key: "xxx-xxx-xxx",
    events: [
            "module_name" : "Bulk Email Processor",
            "source" : "com.nevermindsoft.ApplicationInitializer.startUp() (133)",
            "log_level" : "INFO",
            "message" : "Application Successfully Initialized",
            "timestamp" : "12/21/2012 04:33:12 -5:00",
            "thread_name" : "MainThread",
            "environment_name" : "staging"
            "module_name" : "Bulk Email Processor",
            "source" : "com.nevermindsoft.EmailProcessor.checkState() (76)",
            "log_level" : "WARN",
            "message" : "Found unprocessed outbound messages, please ensure proper shutdown to prevent message loss.",
            "timestamp" : "12/21/2012 04:51:12 -5:00",
            "thread_name" : "WorkerThread-01",
            "environment_name" : "staging"


Kiln is a platform for log aggregation, visualization and analysis built in Ruby on Rails






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