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User Manager System.



User Manager System.

User Manager System is Http Api designed to manage the users of the application. The App is built using Gin Web Framework and can be deployed as backend in a single Docker network. Also, the app have units and integrations tests. And a demo for simulate correct interaction between Client and Server.

Though the data models of the api aren´t compared to real world examples, the objective is to demonstrate different programing concepts, such as CQRS, Event Driven Architecture, DDD, etc.

On the other hand, I'm open to working together with any front end developer who wants to build client side to add to their portfolio.

System Design.

Below is the high level design of the system: system_design_pdf


API Features.

The public HTTP API have the next uses cases:

  • Check health status.
  • Register an new user.
  • Get user schema of user.
  • Delete an registered user.
  • Login an registered user.
  • Logout user with active session.

However, all API documentation are built using open api 3.0 specification. Please see swagger yaml for more information.

Authorization and Authentication.

The application core not have any Authentication. Only have the user password for users authorization. User password are stored in DB using hash format(bcrypt hash). For more information, please see user password

The http layer use JWT to Authenticate the Clients request. In every http response, the application generates a new jwt and return it in authorization header. For this prosperous exists the Response Gin Middleware gin response. Also, when user logout, the token are invalidated in jwt repository.

The signed token use public and private rsa key. In every docker build, two primes keys are generated in directory ./cert. For more information, please see jwt

CQRS Pattern.


The app implements the pattern Command Bus to dispatch commands from http layer to application layer. The bus it is synchronous. Also, every command return the same type called CommandResponse. See Command Response


In the same way, the app use Query bus to communicate http layer and service layer. Equal to command, this bus it is synchronous. The response type of query is called QueryResponse. See Query Response

Enqueues and Events.

The unique event generated in app is UserRegistered. And the unique consumer of this event is the email sender service. In the infrastructure layer, I chose use Rabbit MQ as delivery chanel. RabbitMq is an implementation on Event Bus. See Event Bus

Email sender.

As described in the previous point. The application sends a welcome email to the user when the registration is completed successfully. I chose an SMTP Gmail server for this requisite.

Data layer.

I choose one Relational DB and other non-sql. The non-sql DB is for situations where we need high availability for read model and also don´t have a high level of write operations. In this way, the non-sql DB can scale horizontally.



Application logs.

All uses cases receives a pointer to Return Log. Return Log can store messages that can be represented success, client error or internal error. When internal error occurs, a background task starts and write the Error information in ./logs/ directory.

Project Structure.

The pkg directory contains a high level modules:

  • kernel: The heart of the system. All dependencies are handling in this pkg.
  • server: Depends on kernel pkg and have the responsibility of start the Http Serve.
  • app: Contains all business logic. Is the heart of the Application.

In the other hand, the test directory contains:

  • Unit: Unit testing. Without dependencies.
  • Integration: This pkg is for end-to-end testing. Up the dependencies using Docker test and Mock Gin Http Server.

API Documentation.

API documentation are built using open api 3.0 specification. Please see swagger yaml for more information.

On the other hand, below is the list of response messages of application.

Pkg Id Text ClientErrorType
user 0 user %v logged successful 0
user 1 user %v created successful 0
user 2 user %v updated successful 0
user 3 user %v deleted successful 0
user 4 value %v is invalid as %v attribute 1
user 5 attribute %v are mandatory 1
user 6 attribute %v can´t be greater than %v characters 1
user 7 attribute %v can´t contain special characters (%v) 1
user 8 password must be contain at least one special character like %$#& 1
user 9 password must be contain at least one number 1
user 10 attribute %v can´t be smaller than %v characters 1
user 11 password must be contain at least one upper case 1
user 12 password must be contain at least one lower case 1
user 13 %v attribute dont´t must contain %v 1
user 14 user with component: %v and value: %v already exists 1
user 15 email, alias or password are not correct. Repeat the access data. 1
user 16 user logged out successful 1
user 17 none of the input values correspond to a registered user 1
Authorization 0 Unauthorized 2
Authorization 1 user is not logged 2
email_sender 0 welcome email send successful to user email %v 1



  • Docker.
  • Docker-compose.


Integration tests run on docker containers created automatically in handlers_test.go Containers created for testing are not always automatically destroyed. That's why the script takes care of destroying existing test containers. To run just run:

make go_tests

and use:

make stop_test_services

in case that you need stop the test DB containers.


Deploy and run up in background mode:

make run

Deploy and run up online:

make run_online

If some redis port or mysql port are allocated, try with:

make stop_services

The app have a demo for simulate correct interaction between Client and Server. To run demo, first run the application, and them:

make run_demo


User Management System






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