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GS CodeNarc Extension

A CodeNarc extension library for gosu.

Inspired by Guidewire GosuCodeNarcStaticAnalysisTool.


  • Gradle 6.0.1


Rule Description Priority Property Name Property Type Property Default
GosuClassSize Lines of code within a Gosu source code file, including comments. 2 maxLines int 1200
GosuCommentedOutCode Check for commented out code. 2
GosuCyclomaticComplexity This class performs a basic complexity check of Gosu functions. 1 maxMethodComplexity int 7
GosuFindStatement Lines of code which use the find statement, which can be performance intensive. 1
GosuFunctionParameterLength Check for the maximum allow parameter count. 2 maxParameters int 4
GosuFunctionSize Lines of code within a Gosu function, including comments. 2 maxLines int 25
GosuGetCountUsage Incorrect usage of getCount() == 0 3
GosuIllegalImports Illegal imports rule. Check for violations of the illegal imports rule. 2
GosuInternalImports Internal imports rule. Check for usage of com.guidewire.* internal classes. 3
GosuJavaStyleLineEnding Java style lind ending ';' has been used. 3
GosuNestedIf Nested if rule. Check for violations in nested if statement depth. 1 maxNestedDepth int 4
GosuObjectEquality Incorrect usage of checking for object equality by using Objects themselves instead of PublicID 1
GosuReturnCount Check for a maximum return statement count from Gosu functions. 1 maxReturnCount int 4
GosuUnusedFunctionParameter Unused function parameter within a Gosu function. 2
GosuUnusedImports Unused imports rule. Check for violations of the unused imports rule. 2
GosuUnusedFunctionMethod Unused private function within a Gosu class. 2
GosuVariableScope Detects usage of request or session scoped variables. 3

The codenarc.xml File

The codenarc.xml holds the ruleset configuration for codenarc. The ruleset for gosu is as follows:

<ruleset xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
	<ruleset-ref path='rulesets/gosu.xml'>
		<rule-config name='GosuClassSize'>
			<property name='maxLines' value='1200' />
		<rule-config name='GosuFunctionSize'>
			<property name='maxLines' value='25' />
		<rule-config name='GosuReturnCount'>
			<property name='maxReturnCount' value='4' />
		<rule-config name='GosuCyclomaticComplexity'>
			<property name='maxMethodComplexity' value='7' />
			<property name='priority' value='1' />
		<rule-config name='GosuNestedIf'>
			<property name='maxNestedDepth' value='2' />
		<rule-config name='GosuFunctionParameterLength'>
			<property name='maxParameters' value='4' />
		<!--You can exclude rules from being executed as follows-->
		<!--<exclude name='GosuFunctionSize' />-->


Usage in Gradle

  1. Create the codenarc.xml and store in the following directory:


    PROJECT_DIR is where the build.gradle can be found.

  2. Create or update the to have the following:

    #The maximum number of priority 1 violations to fail the build.
    maxPriority1Violations = 0
    #The maximum number of priority 2 violations to fail the build.
    maxPriority2Violations = 0
    #The maximum number of priority 3 violations to fail the build.
    maxPriority3Violations = 0

    Update these three properties accordingly to your needs.

  3. Create the rulesets directory as follows:

  4. Copy the gosu.xml into the newly created rulesets directory:

  5. In your build.gradle, apply the plugin org.gosu-lang.gosu as follows:

    apply plugin: "org.gosu-lang.gosu"

    If you are having problem on this, you can access the following template as reference:

    Use the branch gosu-15 if you want to use the more recent gosu.

  6. Add the following to your buildscript dependencies:

    classpath group: 'org.codenarc', name: 'CodeNarc', version: '2.2.0'
    classpath group: 'xyz.ronella.gosu', name: 'gs-codenarc-ext', version: '1.1.2'


    buildscript {
        repositories {
        dependencies {
            classpath group: 'org.codenarc', name: 'CodeNarc', version: '2.2.0'
            classpath group: 'xyz.ronella.gosu', name: 'gs-codenarc-ext', version: '1.1.2'
  7. Create a codenarcGosu ant task as follows:

    ant.taskdef(name: 'codenarcGosu', classname: 'org.codenarc.ant.CodeNarcTask') {
        classpath {
            buildscript.configurations.classpath.files.each { ___file ->
                fileset(file: ___file)
  8. Create a codenarcMainGosu gradle task as follows:

    task codenarcMainGosu {
        doLast {
            ant.codenarcGosu(ruleSetFiles: file("${projectDir}/config/codenarc/codenarc.xml").toURI().toString(),
                    maxPriority1Violations: maxPriority1Violations,
                    maxPriority2Violations: maxPriority2Violations,
                    maxPriority3Violations: maxPriority3Violations) {
                report(type: 'html') {
                    option(name: "outputFile", value: "${buildDir}/reports/codenarc/main/codenarc.html")
                    option(name: "title", value: "Gosu Library Report")
                sourceSets.main.allGosu.srcDirs.each { ___file ->
                    fileset(dir: ___file)
  9. If everything is good, you can now execute the following the gradle command:

    gradle codenarcMainGosu

    The report will be available in the following directory:


The Template Gosu Library

An alternative of configuring this yourself with your gradle project is just use the template from the following:

Be sure to use the branch gosu-15 (i.e. the master branch doesn't have the gs-conenarc-ext configuration).


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details


  • Ronaldo Webb