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How to run migration from ASP.NET Core

Rodel E. Dagumampan edited this page Feb 11, 2020 · 20 revisions

Run your database migration when your ASP.NET Core host service starts up. This ensures that database is always at latest compatible state before operating the service. This is made using Yuniql.AspNetCore nuget package. Package can be used for Worker and WebApp services.


Prepare your database

Deploy an SQL Server on Linux container or use your preferred instance.

docker run -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" -e "MSSQL_SA_PASSWORD=P@ssw0rd!" -p 1400:1433 -d

Run migration from .NET Core web app

Create new web app

dotnet --version

dotnet new web -o aspnetcore-sample
cd aspnetcore-sample

Add Yuniql.AspNetCore

dotnet add package Yuniql.AspNetCore
dotnet build

Copy sample database into _db directory in your project

git clone c:\temp\yuniql-aspnetcore
cd c:\temp\yuniql-aspnetcore\samples\basic-sqlserver-sample

Modify the Configure method of Startup.cs, add these lines

using Yuniql.AspNetCore;

var traceService = new ConsoleTraceService { IsDebugEnabled = true };
app.UseYuniql(traceService, new YuniqlConfiguration
	WorkspacePath = Path.Combine(Environment.CurrentDirectory, "_db"),
	ConnectionString = "Server=localhost,1400;Database=yuniqldb;User Id=SA;Password=P@ssw0rd!",
	AutoCreateDatabase = true

Test run

dotnet build
dotnet run --debug

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