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An SDK for the Salesforce Rest and Streaming (Bayeux) API

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Salesforce Rest SDK

This API supports the following areas of the Salesforce API:

  • Limits
  • Global Describe
  • SObject Describe
  • SObject CRUD
  • SObject Get Updated/Deleted
  • Composite API
    • Batch
    • Tree
    • SObject Collections
  • Bulk API
  • Streaming API


composer require ae/salesforce-rest-sdk

Instantiate a Rest Client


use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Rest\Client;
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\AuthProvider\OAuthProvider;

$client = new Client(
  new OAuthProvider(
  "46.0", // optional version number, defaults to 44.0
  "MyAppName" // optional client app name, used when filtering out Change Data Events in the Streaming API

For more information about using client app names with Change Data Capture, see

If you have an authorization code returned to your redirectUrl and wish to use it, you can do so like this:

use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Rest\Client;
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\AuthProvider\OAuthProvider;

$client = new Client(
  new OAuthProvider(

Cached Auth Providers

Cached Auth Providers provide a way to hold onto valid credentials across requests, otherwise the client will authenticate with Salesforce every time it's instantiated.

use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Rest\Client;
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\AuthProvider\CachedOAuthProvider;
use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\FilesystemAdapter;

// Any adapter that uses Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface will work with the Cached Providers
$adapter = new FilesystemAdapter();

$client = new Client(
  new CachedOAuthProvider(

Composer autoloading without a framework

If you happen to not be using a PHP Framework that handles annotation registration for you, like Symfony, then you must do it yourself:


use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Rest\Client;
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\AuthProvider\OAuthProvider;
use Doctrine\Common\Annotations\AnnotationRegistry;

$loader = require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
AnnotationRegistry::registerLoader(array($loader, "loadClass"));

$client = new Client(
   // ...

Work with SObjects with the SObject Client




/** @var \AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Rest\SObject\Client $sObjectClient */
$sObjectClient = $client->getSObjectClient();

// Get basic metadata and recently used records for an object
$info = $sObjectClient->info("Account");

// Get very detailed metadata about an object
$describe = $sObjectClient->describe("Account");

// Get basic metadata info about all objects in SF
$globalDescribe = $sObjectClient->describeGlobal();

// Let's CRUD it up
$account = new \AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Model\SObject();

$sObjectClient->persist("Account", $account); // returns true if success

echo $account->Id; // outputs the SFID of the account

$account->MyCustomField__c = "Some Value I want to Save";

$sObjectClient->persist("Account", $account); // returns true on success

// Let's get new info from out account, pretend it was updated in SF
$account = $sObjectClient->get("Account", $account->Id, ["Name", "AnotherCoolField__c"]);

// Kill the account
$sObjectClient->remove("Account", $account);

// Query for more stuff
$result = $sObjectClient->query("SELECT Id, Name FROM Account");

echo $result->getTotalSize(); // OUtputs the total number of records for the query

var_dump($result->getRecords()); // SObject[]

while (!$result->isDone()) {
    // There are more records to be returned!
     // Just pass in the last result set and get the next batch
     // Lather, rinse, repeat until $result->isDone() === true;
    $result = $sObjectClient->query($result);
    var_dump($result->getRecords()); // CompositeSObject[]

// Query deleted and merged records, too
$result = $sObjectClient->queryAll(
    "SELECT Id, Name FROM Account",
     1000 // optional batch size, defaults to 2000, which is the max, min is 200

// Search for something
$result = $sObjectClient->search("FIND {Some Query} IN ALL FIELDS");

var_dump($result->getSearchRecords()); // CompositeSObject[]

For more information on Batch Sizes and the Sforce-Query-Options header, see

It should be noted that batch size may not be respected in Salesforce if it is not optimal for performance

Instantiate the Streaming Client


use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Bayeux\BayeuxClient;
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\AuthProvider\OAuthProvider;
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Bayeux\Transport\LongPollingTransport;

$client = new BayeuxClient(
      new LongPollingTransport(),
      new OAuthProvider(
      "46.0" // optional version number, defaults to 44.0

Subscribe to a PushTopic

You can create a new PushTopic using the Rest Client above. The topic only needs created once in a Salesforce Org. All custom objects are supported by the Streaming API, however, not all standard objects supported.

Supported Standard Objects:

  • Account
  • Campaign
  • Case
  • Contact
  • ContractLineItem
  • Entitlement
  • Lead
  • LiveChatTranscript
  • Opportunity
  • Quote
  • QuoteLineItem
  • ServiceContract
  • Task

Tasks that are created or updated using the following methods don’t appear in task object topics in the streaming API.

  • Lead conversion
  • Entity merge
  • Mass email contacts/leads
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Bayeux\BayeuxClient;
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Bayeux\Consumer;
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Bayeux\ChannelInterface;
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Bayeux\Message;
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Bayeux\Extension\ReplayExtension;
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Bayeux\Extension\CachedReplayExtension;
use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\FilesystemAdapter;

/** @var BayeuxClient $client */

// Getting a channel tells the client you want to subscribe to a topic
$channel = $client->getChannel('/topic/[YOUR_PUSH_TOPIC_NAME]');

// Give some durability to the messages on this channel by adding the ReplayExtension
$channel->addExtension(new ReplayExtension(ReplayExtension::REPLAY_SAVED));

// Using the CachedReplayExtension give greater durability in that it will remember the replay Id of the last
// message received and pick up where it left off, even if the process stops and restarts. If no messages for the
// channel topic have been received, it will use the value provided in the constructor.
// Again, Any Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface will do for the adapter parameter
$channel->addExtension(new CachedReplayExtension(new FilesystemAdapter(), CachedReplayExtension::REPLAY_SAVED));

// You can also apply extensions at the Client level, rather than the channel.
// In the case of the ReplayExtension, the last replayId will be remembered for each channel,
// however, if no messages have been received on the channel, the constructor argument is used
$client->addExtension(new CachedReplayExtension(new FilesystemAdapter(), CachedReplayExtension::REPLAY_SAVED));

// Register topic consumers prior to starting the client
    Consumer::create(function (ChannelInterface $channel, Message $message) {
        // This will be fired when the client receives a topic notification
        $payload = $message->getData();
        // The payload has information about the event that occurred
        $event = $payload->getEvent();
        echo $event->getType(); // "created", "updated", "undeleted", "deleted"
        echo $event->getCreatedDate()->format(\DATE_ISO8601); // outputs the datetime the event was created
        echo $event->getReplayId(); // This ia n ID used by the replay extension so it can pick up the feed where it left off
        $sobject = $payload->getSobject();
        echo $sobject->Id; // Get the Id
        echo $sobject->getFields(); // this outputs all the fields and their values that were in the create or update request

// Start the client to begin receiving notifications;

The $client->start(); is a blocking call and no code after it will execute until an error occurs in the client, causing it to disconnect.

For instance, the client must reconnect to the streaming server within 40 seconds after each notification is received. If it fails to do so, it will attempt to re-handshake to create a new connection. If that fails, then the client will disconnect, which will allow the rest of the script to execute.

It's recommended that the streaming client be run in it's own thread

Dispatching Generic Events

Create a Streaming Channel

Before you can dispatch a Generic Event, you must create a Streaming Channel. That can be done in a number of ways:

  1. Via the Salesforce Classic UI as documented here
  2. By enabling Enable Dynamic Streaming Channel Creation under Setup > User Interface and then subscribing to a Streaming Channel using the Streaming Client as documented above
  3. Streaming Channels are a regular ole SObject and can be created like one:
use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\FilesystemAdapter;
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Rest\Client;
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\AuthProvider\CachedOAuthProvider;
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Model\SObject;

// Use the SObject Client to create a Streaming Channel

// Any adapter that uses Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface will work with the Cached Providers
$adapter = new FilesystemAdapter();

$client = new Client(
  new CachedOAuthProvider(

$streamingChannel = new SObject([
    'name' => '/u/MY_AWESOME_TOPIC'

$client->getSObjectClient()->persist('StreamingChannel', $streamingChannel);

Send Generic Events to the Streaming Channel

Once the StreamingChannel is created, events can now be sent to it using the GenericEventClient, which piggybacks on the SObject client. Let's pretend we're continuing the code from above in this next example:

use Symfony\Component\Cache\Adapter\FilesystemAdapter;
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Rest\Client;
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\AuthProvider\CachedOAuthProvider;
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Model\SObject;
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Rest\GenericEventClient;
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Model\Rest\GenericEvent;
use AE\SalesforceRestSdk\Model\Rest\GenericEvents;

// ... Client and everything is defined as above

// Generic Event Client also takes a cache adapter which it uses to keep track of Ids for StreamingChannels. You can
// resuse the adapter given to the client if you wish. The keys won't conflict.
$geClient = new GenericEventClient($adapter, $client->getSObjectClient());

// Next we'll create a Generic Event to dispatch
$event = new GenericEvent();
$event->setPayload("This is the payload of the event. It has to be a string. But it could be XML or JSON data");

// You can also set which clients subscribing to the channel you want to receive your message,
// if you didn't want all of them getting it. Use the GenericEventClient to see which users are subscribed to the channel
$users = $geClient->getChannelSubscribers('/u/MY_AWESOME_TOPIC');

// Send the event to the Streaming Channel
$geClient->sendEvent('/u/MY_AWESOME_TOPIC', $event);

// Multiple events can also be sent at once
$events = GenericEvents::create([
    GenericEvent::create("Event payload magic here"),
    GenericEvent::create("More event payload magic here"),

// Send the events to the Streaming Channel
$geClient->sendEvents('/u/MY_AWESOME_TOPIC', $events);

Future Additions

  • Tooling API
  • Metadata API


An SDK for the Salesforce Rest and Streaming (Bayeux) API






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