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Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Design
    1. System Administration
    2. Rules Engine Administration
    3. Action Administration


The automation service is the driving force behind all a "automations" in the system. An automation is defined as any action, or sequence of actions, based upon a stimulus, or stimuli, from an internal or external source.

Thus the automation service is not a rules engine in of itself. Rather, it is command coordinator of stimuli into a "rules" engine, and handler of the action sequences. It is important to note that the rules engine need not be local to the device the automation service is running on.


The automation service is blocked into three core components: system administration, rules engine administration, and action administration. System administration handles the direct I/O of stimuli input and rules storage. The rules engine administration handles stimuli input into the rules engine and reporting the engine output. The action administration handles communicating the "physical" action with the device(s).

Block Diagram

System Administration

The system administrator is responsible for handling the addition, deletion, and other basic management of concrete "rules" placed into the system. This may, but is not limited to, interacting with system storage, external storage, or network based systems. The system administrator also handles all coordination between internal/external stimuli (ex. internal events, IPC messages, etc) and the rules administrator. When a rules engine is finished processing a stimuli into a desired action it is the system administrators responsibility to coordinate that request with the action administrator.

Rule Management Block Diagram

Sys Rule Block Diagram

Rule Engine Block Diagram

Sys Rule Engine Block Diagram

Action Block Diagram

Sys Action Block Diagram

Rules Engine Administration

Note: This section of the document will attempt to describe the architecture as desired, which may slightly different than currently implemented. Any discrepancies will be described as a note to that section.

The rules engine administrator coordinates incoming stimuli with a (or multiple) rules engine to determine if any actions need to be performed. A rules engine is any set of algorithms that evaluate a stimulus against a set of constraints to determine if, and when, a specific action should occur. A rules engine may have it's own schema to evaluate the stimulus against.

If a rules engine determines that an action is necessary then the engine must event out an action response. The response describes what action is to be performed, and provides all information to realize the action.


Note: The current Rules Administrator only accepts iControl styled JSON "events". Thus events are not "defined" other than by iControl events themselves. This limits the functionality to a local rules engine as it is not desirable to broadcast a local event style out to the world. A fully realized implementation should only allow a standardized JSON format that abstracts all stimuli into a pre-determined style.

All stimuli must be in the standard JSON format.

The following JSON entries are required on every stimuli:

  "_evId": <number>,
  "_evCode": <number>,
  "_evTime": <number>,
  "_sunrise": <number>,
  "_sunset": <number>

_evTime, _sunrise, and _sunset are all standard "seconds since Epoch".

_evId is an unsigned 64-bit value that is unique in "space", but not "time". Thusan _evId may be relied upon within a single device while the device is actively operating, but will not survive power cycles.

All other JSON entries in the stimuli are specific to an individual stimuli and thus are not currently definitively defined. Each individual rule will need to evaluate the stimulus in order to determine if it contains all required information for itself.

Supported Engines

Note: Currently there is only one supported rules engine, and it is built directly into the administrator. This may change in the future as we support more rules engines, or start mixing local and remote engines.

Gears (a.k.a Sheens)

The Gears (a.k.a Sheens) engine is the current Comcast "cloud" based rules engine. In order to operate on an embedded system the creators of Gears provided new version of the engine named littlesheens.

From this point forward this document will reference the Gears engine as Sheens. This is due to the fact that Gears may refer to more than just the rule evaluation portion.

It is important to read, and understand, the Sheens main documentation. This document will only lightly review Sheens structure.

Sheens is a state machine styled rules engine with individual states being allowed to execute an arbitrary interpreted language.

Note: The currently supported interpreter is JavaScript. For littlesheens the interpreter is duktape.

Sheens is formed around two types of "containers": a crew and a machine. A crew may contain n number of machines. A machine is a schema contains n number of states that may be transitioned through based on a stimulus.

Every machine state will receive, and return back, a JavaScript object named _.bindings where the _ represents the master "object". The bindings will be unique to an individual machine.

Each machine state operates either as a message type, or an interpreted type.

A message type may only evaluate an incoming stimuli, form bindings, and branch to one target. A message type may not evaluate bindings, and may not execute interpreted entries. Any evalution "key" may contain two forms of variables: "key": "?<string>" and "key": "??<string>". The ? variable informs the evaluator that the key must be present and that any value must be accepted. A new entry within _.bindings will be created with the key ?<string>. The ?? variable informs the evaluator that a key may be present and that any value must be accepted. If the key is present then a new entry within _.bindings will be created with the key ??<string>.

All other state types are considered interpreted and will be described in greater detail within the Sheens documentation. This document will provide only the most important information to the automation service use.

An interpreter may directly evaluate, and manipulate, the _.bindings and it may configure an _.out function providing a JSON (array of) object(s).

Note: More detail on the automation service use of _.out information will be covered within the actions section.

Every state that contains interpreted code must return a new JavaScript object that will replace the _.bindings object. The returned object may be the _.bindings object itself. Machines will not operate properly if an _.bindings fails to be returned.

Any state that contains interpreted code may call the special _.out(json) routine. The JSON may be an array of objects, or a single object. The JSON data will be provided back to the automation service which will use the information as an action.

Within the _.binidngs the automation service has defined an entry persist. Anything placed within this entry will be preserved across evaluations. It is important to note that this is automation service defined and not inherent to Sheens.


Note: This section of the document will describe exactly as the code is today. This is different than above which described what we wanted. This discrepancy is due to the fact we want to provide explicit methods to use the service.

Bringing Rules Online

bool automationCrewInit(automationCrewEmitHandler emitHandler,
                        automationGetSheensSpec specGetter);

To bring the rules administrator online it must be initialized with a callback routine to handle any action-able output from the rule engine, and separate callback routine to provide Sheens specifications from the system administrator.

typedef void (*automationCrewEmitHandler)(const char* id,
                                          uint32_t consumed,
                                          cJSON* emitted);

The action-able output callback routine will provide the machine ID, how many messages were consumed by this machine, and all action-able output for this machine. The action-able output JSON may be either an array of JSON objects, or a single JSON object. Thus care must be taken to test the JSON output to determine the type.

typedef const char* (*automationGetSheensSpec)(const char* specName,
                                               const char* cached);

The Sheens specification callback provides the individual machines to the rules engine. The callback will be provided the name of the specification to load (will always be the rule ID number) and the currently cached specification. If the cached version is NULL, or not equal to the current specification in storage then a new copy of the specification must be returned. Otherwise the cached version may be returned as is.

Once the rules administrator is initialized all resources will be allocated, however any internal threads of operation will not be started until explicitly told to.

void automationCrewStart(void);

When the rules administrator is started all necessary threads of operation will be started (which is currently one thread), and the internal queues will be waiting for new stimuli.

Machine Management

The system administrator handles storage of all rules, however, the rules engine still needs to know which rules are currently enabled so that the engine process only those which are enabled.

bool automationCrewAddMachine(const char* id);
void automationCrewRemoveMachine(const char* id);

Whenever a rule is enabled (either at load time, or later) the rule must be "added" by ID into the administrator. Vise-versa, the rule must be removed by ID from the administrator when the rule is disabled.

Handling Stimuli

bool automationCrewPost(char* message);

All stimuli must be "posted" into the rules administrator. The administrator will own the stimuli after it has been posted thus the caller must not attempt to free the allocated memory. The message will be placed into an internal queue which will be processed (in order) by the main administrator thread.

Handling Actions

All actions will be sent to the callback described in Bringing Rules Online by the action-able output callback routine.

Bringing Rules Offline

void automationCrewDestroy(void);

Destroying the rules administrator will stop all internal resources, and then release those resource back to the system. Any interaction after destroying the administrator (and before bringing the administrator back online) will be undefined.

Action Administration

Note: This section of the document will describe exactly as the code is today. This is different than above which described what we wanted. This discrepancy is due to the fact we want to provide explicit methods to use the service.

The action administrator is responsible for handling all action-able requests determined to be valid by the rules administrator. The actions may vary from sending notifications, changing device behavior, changing system state, and even sending information to an external resource.


The action administrator does not inherently "know" what types of actions may be needed now, or in the future. Thus the design must take into account that new actions will be created as needed, and that information required per-action may be different. In order to facilitate this requirement a new action must register itself with the action administrator, and be able to accept a JSON object with a few required fields.

Every action that is utilized by a handler an appropriate response must be generated.

The action administrator will allow each rule in the system to handle its own actions independently from all other rules. Instead of having an individual thread for each rule a thread pool is utilized such that if a rule not currently processing an action then a new thread will be obtained. If, however, the rule is already processing an action then the new action will be placed within that rule's internal list and processed on the currently obtained thread. Once the rule has processed all actions the obtained thread will be released back to the pool.

Bringing Actions Online

bool automationEmitInit(automationEmitResponseHandler callback);

To bring the action administrator online it must be intialized with a valid response callback routine handler. The response callback handler will receive an appropriate response JSON from the action handler that dealt with an action.

typedef void (*automationEmitResponseHandler)(const char* targetName, const cJSON* json);

The response callback handler will receive the name of the action handler, as well as, the JSON object containing the actual response.

Machine Management

The system administrator handles storage of all rules, however, the action administrator still wants to know which rules are enabled so that the administrator may allow each rule to handle actions independently of each other.

bool automationEmitAddMachine(const char* id);
void automationEmitRemoveMachine(const char* id);

Whenever a rule is enabled (either at load time, or later) the rule must be "added" by ID into the administrator. Vise-versa, the rule must be removed by ID from the administrator when the rule is disabled.

Handling Actions

bool automationEmitPost(const char* id, cJSON* emitted);

All actions to be processed must be "posted" into the action administrator.

The id represents the rule that the action was generated from.

The action JSON is passed through emitted, and will be owned by the action administrator moving forward. The caller must not release any memory associated with the action JSON.

Action JSON

  "to": <string>
  "requestType": <string>

The to field informs the action administrator which action handler to send the action JSON to. This allows an arbitrary number of action handlers to be generated in the future.

The requestType field is required for every action handler, however, its value is determined by the action handler itself. Thus different action handlers may require different values at this time.

Every action handler may have more JSON entries in order to fully realize an action. You may find individual action handlers in their respective documentation.

Response JSON

    "success": <bool>
    "type": <string>

The success field provides a boolean value that describes if the action was successfully handled.

The type field is always the requestType with the string "Response" appended on the end. (ex. writeResourceResponse)

Every action handler may have more JSON entries in the response JSON in order to fully describe the action. You may find individual action handler responses in their respective documentation.

Add New Action Handler

 * Emit message handling operations object structure definition.
 * Emit messages are targeted commands to perform
 * specific actions. In order to best handle the wide
 * variety of actions that <em>could</em> exist the emit
 * message sub-system requires a set of operations to be
 * defined.
 * Some examples might be:
 * <ul>Inform a Zigbee device to perform an action</ul>
 * <ul>Set a timer to fire at some point in time.</ul>
 * <ul>Communicate directly through IPC to another service. </ul>
typedef struct _automationEmitOps {
    /** Unique name representing this emit target. */
    const char* name;

     * Handle a new emit message, and submit any response
     * required. The response will be owned by the receiver
     * at the time of the request return.
     * @param id The request callers ID.
     * @param request The JSON emit message.
     * @return The JSON response, or NULL if no response required.
     * The receiver owns the JSON object at time of return.
    cJSON* (*request)(const char* id, const cJSON* request);

     * Provide a the response handler that may be called for
     * any emit target handler that requires submitting response
     * asynchronously.
     * The target handler is responsible for the any JSON
     * that is passed into the response handler.
     * Note: This operation is optional.
     * @param handler The response handler function pointer.
    void (*setResponseHandler)(automationEmitResponseHandler handler);
} automationEmitOps;

Every action handler has a set of "operations" that must be defined.

The name field must be unique across all action handlers. The name will be used within the to field of the action JSON in order to identify this action handler is desired.

The request function pointer must be defined by the action handler. The request will be notified of the rule ID and will be provided with the actual action JSON. An action response JSON may be provided back if one is required.

The setResponseHandler may be defined by the action handler. The response handler function pointer allows for a target handler to asynchronously notify when an action is finished being processed.

Registering Action Handlers

void automationEmitRegisterOps(const automationEmitOps* ops);

Every action handler must be registered with the action administrator before it may be utilized. A core set of action handlers will be registered automatically during the action administrator bring up. However, a caller may register new action handlers at any time after initialization of the action administrator.