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Base Functions

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Generic Functions, Parameter and more


This documents described the default functions, which are used over multiple nodes of this node collection.

Table of contents

Possible Node Output Formats

Lot of the nodes of these package allows to define additional output formats of payload or message properties additional to the standard Node-Red data types.

payload Formats

Many of these output formats can also be used when choosing a property for a condition, example if the alternate time should be used in the - time-inject node or the if a rule should be valid in a blind-control or clock-timer node.

property for a condition

Standard node Output Formats

see Node-Red documentation for more Information

  • timestamp - timestamp as the number of millisecond since midnight January 1, 1970 UTC
  • flow
  • global
  • string
  • number
  • boolean
  • JSON
  • buffer
  • env variable
  • JSONATA expression

enhanced timestamp OutputFormat

Additional to the node-red standard timestamp output which represents the current timestamp as the number of millisecond since midnight January 1, 1970 UTC there are possibility for different timestamps with different output format.

timestamp output


Typical it is that there is the possibility to can add an offset or subtract an offset by using a negative offset value.


The Offset itself must be a number which is defined direct as number or given by a flow or global context. Additional the offset could be random number then the offset will be between 0 and the given value.

In some cases a random number calculated every time is not wanted. Example is an ofset for a timer. Then the offset will be different on every trigger. To thus exists a random number which will only be calculated once per day or once per week: image

image image For the random number can be given a Number or a range. i fa number is given the Random number will be than between zero and the given number. For a range the random number will be between the lower and the higher given number.


For the enhances timestamps the output format could be defined.

output format definition

See the following chapters for possible formats:

timestamp values

complete free definition of the format:

  • timestamp enhanced
    • equal to th Node-Red standard timestamp the current timestamp (e.g. inject timestamp) with all the enhanced offset and output format options
  • time (next) - a definable time in the format
    • HH:MM
    • HH:MM:SS
    • HH:MM pm
    • HH:MM am
    • HH:MM:SS pm
    • HH:MM:SS am
    • HH:MM UTC       - if the time should be use UTC format.
    • HH:MM:SS UTC  - if the time should be use UTC format.
    • ...
  • date - a date and time in the format:
    • YYYY-MM-DD
    • YYYY-M-D
    • D.M.YYYY
    • DD.MM.YYYY
    • ...
  • sun time - a timestamp based on a sun time (e.g. sunrise or sunset)
    • moon time - a timestamp based on a moon rise or moon set
  • day of month - a day based of the month for the inject timestamp

special output

Additional special values could be defined as output.

  • sun calculation - the sun position object equal to the output of the sun-position node
  • sun in the sky (percent) - the percentage of the sun in the sky
  • moon calculation - the moon position object equal to the output of the moon-position node
  • moon phase - the current moon-phase
  • azimuth of sun - the azimuth of the sun on the inject timestamp in decimal degree
  • elevation of sun - the elevation of the sun on the inject timestamp in decimal degree
  • azimuth of sun (rad) - the azimuth of the sun on the inject timestamp in rad
  • elevation of sun (rad) - the azimuth of the sun on the inject timestamp in rad
  • is daylight saving time - gives a boolean of true if is daylight saving time, otherwise false
  • week of the year - gives a number of the current week of the year
  • week of the year is even - gives a boolean of true if the current week of the year is even, otherwise false
  • day of the year - gives a number of the current day of the year
  • day of the year is even - gives a boolean of true if the current day of the year is even, otherwise false

Times definitions

The time definitions of the nodes has different configuration possibilities


manual timestamps can be entered as one of the following formats:

  • 00:00 to 23:59 24h Format
  • 00:00:00 to 23:59:00 24h Format with seconds
  • 00:00pm to 12:59pm 12h Format
  • 00:00:00pm to 12:59:00pm 12h Format with seconds
  • 00:00utc to 23:59utc 24h Format in UTC
  • 00:00:00utc to 23:59:00utc 24h Format with seconds in UTC

sun times

following Sun times will be calculated and can be chosen:

Time Description SunBH
astronomicalDawn night ends (morning astronomical twilight starts) 18
amateurDawn amateur astronomical dawn (sun at 12° before sunrise) 15
nauticalDawn nautical dawn (morning nautical twilight starts) 12
blueHourDawnStart blue Hour start (time for special photography photos starts) 8
civilDawn dawn (morning nautical twilight ends, morning civil twilight starts) 6
blueHourDawnEnd blue Hour end (time for special photography photos end) 4
goldenHourDawnStart morning golden hour (soft light, best time for photography) starts -1
sunriseStart sunrise (top edge of the sun appears on the horizon) 0.833
sunriseEnd sunrise ends (bottom edge of the sun touches the horizon) 0.3
goldenHourDawnEnd morning golden hour (soft light, best time for photography) ends -6
solarNoon solar noon (sun is in the highest position)
goldenHourDuskStart evening golden hour (soft light, best time for photography) starts -6
sunsetStart sunset starts (bottom edge of the sun touches the horizon) 0.3
sunsetEnd sunset (sun disappears below the horizon, evening civil twilight starts) 0.833
goldenHourDuskEnd evening golden hour (soft light, best time for photography) ends 1
blueHourDuskStart blue Hour start (time for special photography photos starts) 4
civilDusk dusk (evening nautical twilight starts) 6
blueHourDuskEnd blue Hour end (time for special photography photos end) 8
nauticalDusk nautical dusk end (evening astronomical twilight starts) 12
amateurDusk amateur astronomical dusk (sun at 12° after sunrise) 15
astronomicalDusk night starts (dark enough for astronomical observations) 18
nadir nadir (darkest moment of the night, sun is in the lowest position)

SunBH is the angle of the sun below the horizon


remarks to the Times definitions

blue hour

Although the blue hour does not have an official definition, the blue color spectrum is most prominent when the Sun is between 4° and 8° below the horizon.

amateurDawn /amateurDusk

This is not an official definition, this is happend when the Sun is 15° below the horizon

alternate properties

The following time parameters are exists in the output for backward compatibility. These are equal to parameters in the table above:

time parameter is equal to
dawn civilDawn
dusk civilDusk
nightEnd astronomicalDawn
night astronomicalDusk
nightStart astronomicalDusk
goldenHour goldenHourDuskStart
sunsetEnd sunset
sunriseStart sunrise
goldenHourEnd goldenHourDawnEnd
goldenHourStart goldenHourDuskStart

moon times

moon rise and moon set can be used

message, flow or global property or JSONATA expression

any message, flow or global property which contain any of the following types:

  • Integer which is a Unix Time Stamp representing the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC, with leap seconds ignored.
  • String value representing a valid JavaScript date-string.

String as one of the following formats (upper/lowercase of pm or utc doesn't mater):

  • 00:00 to 23:59 24h Format
  • 00:00:00 to 23:59:00 24h Format with seconds
  • 00:00pm to 12:59pm 12h Format
  • 00:00:00pm to 12:59:00pm 12h Format with seconds
  • 00:00utc to 23:59utc 24h Format in UTC
  • 00:00:00utc to 23:59:00utc 24h Format with seconds in UTC

Offsets: The start and end time can have an offset. This is specified in seconds,minutes or hours:

  • negative number brings the time forward. E.g. if the time is dusk and offset is -60 minutes, the start time will be 60 minutes before dusk.
  • positive number delays the time by the specified number

input parse formats

Some nodes has the ability to get an input time out of different pre defined formats or a free format definition.

The formats are:

  • milliseconds UNIX timestamp This is the default for Node-ed. Timestamps are a numeric representation of the time in milliseconds since 1970-01-01 UTC
  • ECMA-262 YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ - This is the default toString output of JavaScript. This is a simplification of the ISO 8601 Extended Format.
  • YYYYMMDDHHMMSS is a number of the format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.
  • YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS is a number of the format YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS.
  • various the system will try to parse different string formats
  • other there you can define a format like "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" of the given time. Possible format placeholders are:
Field Full Form Short Form
Year yyyy (4 digits) yy (2 digits), y (2 or 4 digits)
Month MMM (name or abbr.) MM (2 digits), M (1 or 2 digits)
Month NNN (abbr.)
Day of Month dd (2 digits) d (1 or 2 digits)
Day of Week EE (name) E (abbr.)
Hour (1-12) hh (2 digits) h (1 or 2 digits)
Hour (0-23) HH (2 digits) H (1 or 2 digits)
Hour (0-11) KK (2 digits) K (1 or 2 digits)
Hour (1-24) kk (2 digits) k (1 or 2 digits)
Minute mm (2 digits) m (1 or 2 digits)
Second ss (2 digits) s (1 or 2 digits)
Millisecond ll (3 digits) l (1, 2 or 3 digits)
AM/PM tt (2 digits) t (1 or 2 digits)

output timestamp formats

For timestamp outputs some nodes has the ability to define the format of the timestamp. Therefore different pre defined formats exists or a free format definition.

The formats are:

  • milliseconds UNIX timestamp Timestamps are a numeric representation of the time in milliseconds since 1970-01-01 UTC
  • ECMA-262 YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ - This is the default toString output of JavaScript. This is a simplification of the ISO 8601 Extended Format.
  • YYYYMMDDHHMMSS is a number of the format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.
  • YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS is a number of the format YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS.
  • local is the java script output of date.toLocaleString()
  • localLong is the java script output of date.toString()
  • localTime is the java script output of date.toLocaleTimeString()
  • localTimeLong is the java script output of date.toTimeString()
  • localDate is the java script output of date.toLocaleDateString()
  • localDateLong is the java script output of date.toDateString()
  • UTC is the java script output of date.toUTCString()
  • ISO YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.sssZ (output of date.toISOString())
  • ms the time in milliseconds between output and timestamp
  • sec the time in seconds between output and timestamp
  • min the time in minutes between output and timestamp
  • hour the time in hours between output and timestamp
  • Day Name the timestamps day in the format Monday, 22.12.
  • Day in relative the timestamps day in relative to output time in the format Today, 22.12.
  • object gives back an object for the timestamp with the following properties:
    • date Java script Date object
    • ts number - Unix timestamp (milliseconds since 1970-01-01 UTC)
    • timeUTCStr string representation of the Time in UTC format
    • timeISOStr string representation of the Time in ISO format
    • timeLocaleStr the java script output of date.toLocaleString()
    • timeLocaleTimeStr the java script output of date.toLocaleTimeString()
    • delay the time in milliseconds between output and timestamp
    • delaySec the time in seconds between output and timestamp
  • other there you can define a format like "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" of the given time. Possible format placeholders are:
placeholder Description
d Day of the month as digits; no leading zero for single-digit days.
dd Day of the month as digits; leading zero for single-digit days.
ddd Day of the week as a three-letter abbreviation. (same as E)
dddd Day of the week as its full name. (same as EE)
E Day of the week as a three-letter abbreviation.
EE Day of the week as its full name.
M Month as digits; no leading zero for single-digit months.
MM Month as digits; leading zero for single-digit months.
MMM Month as a three-letter abbreviation.
MMMM Month as its full name.
yy Year as last two digits; leading zero for years less than 10.
yyyy Year represented by four digits.
h Hours; no leading zero for single-digit hours (12-hour clock 1-12).
hh Hours; leading zero for single-digit hours (12-hour clock 01-12).
H Hours; no leading zero for single-digit hours (24-hour clock 0-23).
HH Hours; leading zero for single-digit hours (24-hour clock 00-23).
k Hours; no leading zero for single-digit hours (12-hour clock 0-11).
kk Hours; leading zero for single-digit hours (12-hour clock 00-11).
K Hours; no leading zero for single-digit hours (24-hour clock 1-24).
KK Hours; leading zero for single-digit hours (24-hour clock 01-24).
m Minutes; no leading zero for single-digit minutes.
mm Minutes; leading zero for single-digit minutes.
s Seconds; no leading zero for single-digit seconds.
ss Seconds; leading zero for single-digit seconds.
l Milliseconds; no leading zeros for single-digit
ll Milliseconds; 1 leading zero for single-digit; no for 3 digits
lll Milliseconds; 2 leading zero for single-digit; 2 for 2 digits
L Milliseconds divided by 100 round to 0; no leading zero
LL Milliseconds divided by 10 round to 0; leading zero for single-digit
t Lowercase, single-character time marker string: a or p.
tt Lowercase, two-character time marker string: am or pm.
T Uppercase, single-character time marker string: A or P.
TT Uppercase, two-character time marker string: AM or PM.
ww workweek, number
Z timezone abbreviation, e.g. EST, MDT, MESZ or MEZ.
z timezone offset, e.g. GMT-0500
zz timezone offset - nothing for GMT/UTC, e.g. -0500 or +0230.
o GMT/UTC timezone offset in hours:minutes, e.g. -05:00 or +02:30.
oo GMT/UTC timezone offset, e.g. -0500 or +0230.
ooo GMT/UTC timezone offset - 'Z' for GMT/UTC, e.g. -0500 or +0230.
oooo GMT/UTC timezone offset - 'UTC' for GMT/UTC, e.g. -0500 or +0230.
S The date's ordinal suffix (st, nd, rd, or th). Works well with d.
x difference of days from timestamp day to output day
xx difference of days from timestamp day to output day with relative names for today, tomorrow, ...
'…' or "…" Literal character sequence. Surrounding quotes are removed.
UTC: Must be the first four characters of the mask. Converts the date from local time to UTC/GMT/Zulu time before applying the mask. The "UTC:" prefix is removed.

output timespan formats

For timespan output the calc-timespan node has the ability to define the format of the timespan. Therefore different pre defined formats exists or a free format definition.

The formats are:

  • ms timespan im milliseconds (integer value)
  • sec, min,..., month, years timespan as a floating point number or as a integer number of the the chosen unit.
  • object gives back an object for the timespan with the following properties:
    • date Java script Date object
    • ts number - Unix timestamp (milliseconds since 1970-01-01 UTC)
    • timeUTCStr string representation of the Time in UTC format
    • timeISOStr string representation of the Time in ISO format
    • timeLocaleStr the java script output of date.toLocaleString()
    • timeLocaleTimeStr the java script output of date.toLocaleTimeString()
    • delay the time in milliseconds between output and timestamp
    • delaySec the time in seconds between output and timestamp
  • other there you can define a format like "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" of the given time. Possible format placeholders are:


A condition usually consists of a property, an operator and depending on the operator, a threshold.

property, an operator:


property, operator and threshold: condition-2

The operators are:

  • is true - the value of the property must be of type boolean and the condition is fulfilled if the value is true
  • is false - the value of the property must be of type boolean and the condition is fulfilled if the value is false
  • is null - the value of the property must be undefined or null
  • is not null - the value of the property can have an obscure value that is not undefined or null
  • is empty - the condition is fulfilled if the property is an empty string, array, buffer or an object with no properties
  • is not empty - the condition is fulfilled if the property is an string, array, buffer which is not empty or an object which has properties
  • true expression - the condition is fulfilled if the property is a number and greater 0 or a Boolean which is true or a string containing one of the following values true, yes, on, ja. If the property has a string switchon then this would evaluate to true, because on is part of the string.
  • false expression - the condition is fulfilled if the property is a number and less than or equal 0 or a Boolean which is false or a string containing one of the following values false, no, off, nein. If the property has a string nonsens then this would evaluate to true, because no is part of the string.
  • not true expression - the condition is fulfilled if the property is a number and not greater 0 or a Boolean which is not true or a string containing none of the following values true, yes, on, ja. It the property is a number and NaN then this would evaluate to true.
  • false expression - the condition is fulfilled if the property is a number and not less than or equal 0 or a Boolean which is not false or a string containing none of the following values false, no, off, nein.
  • <, <=, ==, !=, >, >= - compares the value of the property with a threshold. Typically this makes only sense if the property and the threshold are numbers.
  • contain - the condition is fulfilled if the property contains the string defined in the threshold.
  • containSome - the threshold must be a string separated with comma ,, semicolon ; or pipe |. The condition is fulfilled as soon as only one of the separated parts of the threshold string is is included in the property value.
  • containEvery - the threshold must be a string separated with comma ,, semicolon ; or pipe |. The condition is fulfilled as soon as all of the separated parts of the threshold string are included in the property value.

A JSONata expression in the property must be always a boolean with value true, in this case the operator can not be chosen.

Special JSOATA Functions

The JSONATA expression allows additional functions.

  • These JSONATA expressions only available in the JSONATA of nodes in this collection, because Node-Red does currently not support a possibility to enhance JSONATA for other nodes.
  • the editor does also not support these functions



simple helper functions

validation functions

  • checks if a value is a valid Date object
  • Parameter
    • param1 any type - the value to check
  • Returns
    • boolean - true if the given parameter is a valid JavaScript Date, otherwise false
  • returns true if the parameter

    • is a number
    • or can be converted to one of the following strings:
      • 'true', 'yes', 'on', 'ja', 'false', 'no', 'off', 'nein'
  • Parameter

    • param1 any type - the value to check
  • Returns

    • boolean - true if the parameter value is a valid boolean value for false or true
  • returns true if the parameter

    • is a number and greater than 0
    • or can be converted to one of the following strings:
      • 'true', 'yes', 'on', 'ja'
  • Parameter

    • param1 any type - the value to check
  • Returns

    • boolean - true if the parameter value is a valid boolean value for true
  • returns true if the parameter

    • is a number and less than or equal 0
    • or can be converted to one of the following strings:
      • 'false', 'no', 'off', 'nein'
  • Parameter

    • param1 any type - the value to check
  • Returns

    • boolean - true if the parameter value is a valid boolean value for false

logical functions

$XOR(param1, param2)
  • Exclusive OR

  • Parameter

    • param1 boolean - operand one
    • param2 boolean - operand two
  • Returns

    • boolean - true if the a expression or b expression is true (like ||), but not if both are true
$XAND(param1, param2)
  • Exclusive AND

  • Parameter

    • param1 boolean - operand one
    • param2 boolean - operand two
  • Returns

    • boolean - true if the a expression and b expression is true (like &&) or if both are false

number and string functions

  • count the number of decimals of a number

  • Parameter

    • param1 number - number to get the decimals
  • Returns

    • number - number of decimals for the given number
$pad(param1, [param2])
  • creates a string from a object (typical number) with leading zeros

  • Parameter

    • param1 any type - number/string to format
    • param2 number - (optional) length of number (default 2)
  • Returns

    • string - string (number) with minimum digits as defined in length
$clipStrLength(param1, [param2])
  • clip a text to a maximum length (adds ... if clipped)

  • Parameter

    • param1 string - string to clip
    • param2 number - (optional) length to clip the text (default 15)
  • Returns

    • string - string not longer than the given length

date helper functions

$getNthWeekdayOfMonth(param1, [param2], [param3], [param4])
  • clip a text to a maximum length (adds ... if clipped)

  • Parameter

    • param1 number - year to check (4-digit number)
    • param2 number - month to check (0 is January, 11 is December)
    • param3 number - (optional) dayOfWeek to check, Day of week, where 0 is Sunday, 1 Monday ... 6 Saturday (default is 1 - Monday)
    • param4 number - (optional) the nTh Number of the day of week - 0 based (base 0 = last day of month)
  • Returns

    • Date -weekday of given month


  • $getNthWeekdayOfMonth(2020, 1, 1, 0) - returns the date of the first Monday in February
  • $getNthWeekdayOfMonth(2020, 0, 0, 0) - returns the date of the first Sunday in January
  • $getNthWeekdayOfMonth(2020, 0, 3, 2) - returns the date of the Wednesday of the second week in January
$getLastDayOfMonth(param1, [param2], [param3])
  • clip a text to a maximum length (adds ... if clipped)

  • Parameter

    • param1 number - year to check (4-digit number)
    • param2 number - month to check (0 is January, 11 is December)
    • param3 number - (optional) dayOfWeek to check, Day of week, where 0 is Sunday, 1 Monday ... 6 Saturday (default is 1 - Monday)
  • Returns

    • Date - last day of given month


  • $getLastDayOfMonth(2020, 1, 1) - returns the date of the last Monday in February
  • $getLastDayOfMonth(2020, 0, 0) - returns the date of the last Sunday in January
  • $getLastDayOfMonth(2020, 11, 3) - returns the date of the last Wednesday in December
  • for a given date, get the ISO week number

Based on information at:

Algorithm is to find nearest Thursday, it's year is the year of the week number. Then get weeks between that date and the first day of that year.

Note that dates in one year can be weeks of previous or next year, overlap is up to 3 days.

e.g. 2014/12/29 is Monday in week 1 of 2015 2012/1/1 is Sunday in week 52 of 2011

  • Parameter
    • param1 number - (optional) date to get week number (default now)
  • Returns
    • array [number, number] - ISO week number, [UTCFullYear, weekNumber]
  • for a given date, get the day number

  • Parameter

    • param1 number - (optional) date to get week number (default now)
  • Returns

    • array [number, number] - day number, [UTCFullYear, dayNumber]
  • get the standard timezone offset without DST

  • Parameter

    • param1 number - (optional) date to get timezone offset (default now)
  • Returns

    • number - minutes of the timezone offset
  • check if a given Date is DST

  • Parameter

    • param1 number - (optional) date to check (default now)
  • Returns

    • boolean - true if the given Date has DST
$addOffsetToDate(param1, param2, [param3])
  • adds an offset to a given Date object

  • Parameter

    • param1 number, string, Date - Date where the offset should be added
    • param2 number - the offset (positive or negative) which should be added to the date. If no multiplier is given, the offset must be in milliseconds.
    • param3 number - (optional) additional multiplier for the offset. Should be a positive Number. Special value -1 if offset is in month and -2 if offset is in years
  • Returns

    • boolean - true if the given Date has DST

date parse and format functions

$getFormattedDateOut(param1, [param2], [param3], [param4])
  • converts a date to a string or any other form

  • Parameter

    • param1 number, string, Date - Date where the offset should be added
    • param2 string, number - (optional) format of the date, see above
      • if the parameter is a string, the output will be a string in the defined format. See output timestamp formats for more information.
      • if the parameter is a number one of the following outputs are possible
        • -1 outputs an object
        • 0 - number - milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970 00:00
        • 1 - string - date as string ECMA-262
        • 2 / 14 - string - date.toUTCString() or date.toLocaleString()
          • utc variant used if param3 is given with true
          • timezone offset for conversation if param4 is given
        • 3 / 13 - string - date.toLocaleTimeString()
          • utc variant used if param3 is given with true
          • timezone offset for conversation if param4 is given
        • 12 / 15 - string - date.toLocaleDateString()
          • utc variant used if param3 is given with true
          • timezone offset for conversation if param4 is given
        • 18 - string - custom ISO string YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ+00:00
          • utc variant used if param3 is given with true
          • timezone offset for conversation if param4 is given
        • 4 - string - date.toUTCString()
        • 5 - string - date.toISOString()
        • 6 - number - milliseconds between now and given date
        • 7 - number - seconds between now and given date
        • 8 - number - minutes between now and given date
        • 9 - number - hours between now and given date
        • 10 - number - number in the format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
          • utc variant used if param3 is given with true
        • 11 - number - number in the format YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS
          • utc variant used if param3 is given with true
        • 16 - string - date in the format dddd, d.M. e.g. Montag, 22.12
        • 17 - string - date in the format xx, d.M. e.g. heute 22.12.,
        • 19 - number - workweek
        • 20 - boolean - true if workweek is even otherwise false
        • 21 - number - day of year
        • 22 - boolean - true if day of year is even otherwise false
    • param3 boolean - (optional) indicates if the formatted date should be in utc or not
    • param4 boolean - (optional) timezone offset for conversation in minutes
  • Returns

    • boolean - any the given result
$parseDateFromFormat(param1, param2, [param3])
  • parses a date string to given format definition

  • Parameter

    • param1 *string, date string to parse
    • param2 string, number - Format definition, if it is a number a predefined format will be try If no multiplier is given, the offset must be in milliseconds.
      • if the parameter is a string, the string defines the format of the string to be able to parse into a date. See input parse formats for more information.
      • if the parameter is a number one of the following parsers are active
        • -1 outputs an object
        • 0 - new Date(Number(date))
        • 1 - Date.parse(date)
        • 2 - various - try different Formats, prefer day first like d/M/y (e.g. European format)
        • 3 - various - try different Formats, prefer month first like M/d/y (e.g. American format)
        • 4 - number of the format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
        • 5 - number of the format YYYYMMDD.HHMMSS
    • param3 boolean - (optional) indicates if the formatted date should be in utc or not
  • Returns

    • boolean - true if the given Date has DST
$parseTimeString(param1, [param2], [param3], [param4])
  • parses a string which contains only a time to a Date object of today

  • Parameter

    • param1 *string, text representation of a time
    • param2 Date - (optional) bade Date object for parsing the time, now will be used if not defined
    • param3 boolean - (optional) indicates if the formatted date should be in utc or not
    • param3 number - (optional) define a time zone offset if required
  • Returns

    • boolean - true if the given Date has DST
  • parse an ISO date string (i.e. "2019-01-18T00:00:00.000Z", "2019-01-17T17:00:00.000-07:00", or "2019-01--8T07:00:00.000+07:00", which are the same time) and return a JavaScript Date object with the value represented by the string.

  • Parameter

    • param1 *string, date string to parse
  • Returns

    • Date - the javascript DATE representation
$parseDateTimeObject(param1, [param2], [param3], [param4])
  • parses a string which contains a date or only a time to a Date object

  • Parameter

    • param1 string, number number or text which contains a date or a time
    • param2 boolean - (optional) if true, Dates with moth first should be preferd, otherwise month last (european)
    • param3 boolean - (optional) indicates if the formatted date should be in utc or not
    • param4 number - (optional) define a time zone offset if required
  • Returns

    • Date - the parsed date object, throws an error if can not parsed

sun functions

$getSunTimeByName(param1, [param2], [param3], [param4], [param5], [param6], [param7], [param8], [param9], [param10], [param11], [param12], [param13])
  • gets sun time by Name

  • Parameter

    • param1 string - name of the sun time
    • param2 number - (optional) the offset (positive or negative) which should be added to the date. If no multiplier is given, the offset must be in milliseconds.
    • param3 number - (optional) additional multiplier for the offset. Should be a positive Number. Special value -1 if offset is in month and -2 if offset is in years
    • param4 number, string, Date - (optional) date to get the sun time (default now)
    • param5 number - (optional) latitude if a specific position should be given (default settings from configuration node)
    • param6 number - (optional) longitude if a specific position should be given (default settings from configuration node)
    • param7 boolean - (optional) if true, the next time will be calculated, otherwhise the time of the current day
    • param8 array - (optional) array of valid day-number (0=Sunday to 6=saturday), like [0,1,2]
    • param9 array - (optional) array of valid month-number (0=January to 11=december), like [0,1,2]
    • param10 boolean - (optional) if true, only odd days will be calculated
    • param11 boolean - (optional) if true, only even days will be calculated
    • param12 boolean - (optional) if true, only odd weeks will be calculated
    • param13 boolean - (optional) if true, only even weeks days will be calculated
  • Returns

    • object - sun time object


  • If the latitude parameter is given, alsso the longitude parameters has to be given!!
  • odd days = true and only even days = true makes no sense and will be ignored
  • odd weeks = true and only even weeks = true makes no sense and will be ignored
  • gets sun time by Name

  • Parameter

    • param1 number, string, Date - (optional) date to get the previous an next sun time (default now)
  • Returns

    • object - previous and next sun time
$getSunCalc([param1], [param2], [param3])
  • gets sun calculation azimuth, elevation

  • Parameter

    • param1 number, string, Date - (optional) date to get the sun data
    • param2 boolean - (optional) set to true if sun times should be included in output object
    • param3 boolean - (optional) set to true if sun in sky calculation should be included in output object
  • Returns

    • object - sun calculated data
$getSunTimeByElevation([param1], [param2], [param3])
  • gets sun time for rise and set for the given elevation angle

  • Parameter

    • param1 number, string - elevation angle in radians
  • Returns

    • object - set and rise time for the elevation angle
  • gets sun in sky percentage value

  • Parameter

    • param1 number, string, Date - (optional) date to get the data for
  • Returns

    • number - sun in sky in percentage

moon functions

$getMoonTimeByName(param1, [param2], [param3], [param4])
  • gets moon time by Name

  • Parameter

    • param1 string - rise or set
    • param2 number - (optional) the offset (positive or negative) which should be added to the date. If no multiplier is given, the offset must be in milliseconds.
    • param3 number - (optional) additional multiplier for the offset. Should be a positive Number. Special value -1 if offset is in month and -2 if offset is in years
    • param4 number, string, Date - (optional) date to get the moon time (default now)
  • Returns

    • object - sun time object
$getMoonCalc([param1], [param2])
  • gets moon calculation azimuth, elevation

  • Parameter

    • param1 number, string, Date - (optional) date to get the moon data
    • param2 boolean - (optional) set to true if moon times should be included in output object
  • Returns

    • object - moon calculated data
  • gets moon illumination object

  • Parameter

    • param1 number, string, Date - (optional) date to get the data for
  • Returns

    • object - moon illumination of the given date or for now
  • gets moon phase object

  • Parameter

    • param1 number, string, Date - (optional) date to get the data for
  • Returns

    • object - moon phase of the given date or for now
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