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Version 7.31.0

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@bluebill1049 bluebill1049 released this 10 May 09:51
· 445 commits to master since this release

🚀 reset optional prop: keepDirtyValues (#8237)

    firstName: "bill", // if firstName is dirty then the value will be retained
    lastName: "luo"
  { keepDirtyValues: true } // keep any changed field

👩‍🔧 close #8324 auto-correct field array errors on user action (#8325)

const { append } = useFieldArray()

append({ data: '' }) // will auto correct existing field array errors if any

🐞 fix: clone objects which have functions (#8301)
📖 fix name of a new option in 6.12.0 change-log notes (#8335)

thanks to @Moshyfawn @airman5573 @TkDodo and @MasterOdin