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Azure DevOps Extension Tasks Boilerplate

A boilerplate project help you to author azure pipeline tasks. It includes:

  1. A 'Hello World' task
  2. tslint and typescript support
  3. compile, and package the extension

When I started a project to creating an windows-application-driver-installer to install WinAppDriver to the agent, I follow create a custom pipeline task. There is still some overhead to setup the project. Finally I found a good example on azure-devops-extension-tasks, which allows to build and package multiple tasks to the same extension. Based on that, I create this boilerplate


  1. From the root of the repo run npm run initdev. This will pull down the necessary modules and TypeScript declare files.
  2. Run npm run build to compile the build tasks.
  3. Run npm run package to create a .vsix extension package that includes the build tasks.

Extension on marketplace

hello-world task

How to use it

- task: HelloWorldExtension@0
    Message: 'Hello World'


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