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Repository files navigation


ComposeList is an application designed to display a list of items with the ability to view detailed information about each item.


The app features the following key functionalities:

  • Main screen with a list of items.
  • Each item includes a text description and an image.
  • Clicking on an item opens a new screen displaying detailed information about the selected item.
  • Memory optimization for efficient resource usage.

Memory Optimization

To optimize memory usage, the following techniques are employed:

  • Image caching: Images are loaded and cached for reuse to avoid redundant loading.

  • Bitmap optimization: Images are optimized in size and format to reduce memory consumption.

  • RecyclerView usage: RecyclerView is used for displaying the list of items to ensure efficient scrolling and memory management.

  • Release of unused resources: Resources such as bitmaps and object references are released when they are no longer needed.


The application has been tested on various devices and Android versions to ensure stable performance and efficient memory usage.

Technologies Used and Best Practices


  • Android Jetpack: Utilized various Jetpack components including Compose, LiveData, ViewModel.

  • Kotlin: Programming language used for app development.

  • Coil: Library for image loading and displaying.

  • Coroutines: Used for asynchronous programming.

  • RecyclerView: For efficient display of item list.

  • JUnit and Espresso: For writing and running tests.

Best Practices

  • MVVM architectural approach: Separation of view logic from business logic using ViewModel.

  • Memory usage optimization: Image caching and efficient resource management.

  • Code documentation: Well-documented and readable code.

  • Testing: The application is tested on various devices and Android versions.

Installation and Running

To install and run the application, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Open the project in Android Studio.
  3. Connect a testing device or use an emulator.
  4. Run the application on the device or emulator.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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