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title: How To: Store Custom Order Fields

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For reporting, integrations, or other reasons, you may want to store additional fields when placing an order. This might be data from the client placing the order, data you can or must generate on the server, or some combination of the two.

The core orders plugin supports attaching additional arbitrary fields to orders, but you must do a bit of work to enable it. The first step is to decide whether the data you need can safely come from clients or if it must be built on the server. An in-between approach is to send data from the client but validate and extend it on the server.

Big picture, here's what you'll do:

  1. Implement one or both of the following:
    • Enable and configure clients to send custom order fields
    • Generate or transform custom order fields on the server
  2. Extend the SimpleSchema for Order so that your custom fields will pass validation and be saved.
  3. Optionally expose some of your custom fields through GraphQL.

Enabling Clients to Send Additional Order Data

The only step necessary to allow clients to send additional order fields is to define the expected schema for it in GraphQL, which you do by extending the OrderInput GraphQL input type in a custom plugin to add a customFields field:

"Additional order fields"
input CustomOrderFieldsInput {
  "The user agent string for the browser from which this order was placed"
  browserUserAgent: String!

extend input OrderInput {
  "Additional order fields"
  customFields: CustomOrderFieldsInput!

Now in your storefront code, you can add the now-required extra fields:

// `order` input object for `placeOrder` GraphQL mutation
const order = {
  customFields: {
    browserUserAgent: window.navigator.userAgent
  // all other required OrderInput props

Transforming or Adding Custom Order Fields on the Server

Whether or not you've allowed clients to send additional order data, you can also provide a function that returns custom order fields on the server. Do this using the functionsByType option in registerPlugin:

functionsByType: {
  transformCustomOrderFields: [({ context, customFields, order }) => ({
    // This is a simple example. IRL you should pick only headers you need.
    headers: context.requestHeaders

As you can see in the example, the function receives an object argument with context, customFields, and order properties. order is the full order that is about to be created. customFields is the current custom fields object that would be saved as order.customFields. This may be from the client placing the order, if you've allowed clients to send it, or it may be from transformCustomOrderFields functions registered by other plugins. It will be an empty object if no other transformCustomOrderFields functions have run and the client did not pass any custom fields.

The object you return will replace order.customFields, so if you want to keep the properties already in customFields, be sure to add them to the object you return, or simply return customFields if you have no changes to make. You may also further validate the object and either remove properties from it or throw an error.

transformCustomOrderFields functions may be async if necessary.

Extending the Order Schema

If you are adding custom fields either from clients or from server functions, you must also extend the SimpleSchema for Order so that it validates for storage. This is similar to the "Enabling Clients to Send Additional Order Data" task, but you must extend the SimpleSchema rather than the GraphQL schema, and it's required even if all data is being generated on the server. In your custom plugin:

import { Order } from "/imports/collections/schemas";

const customFieldsSchema = new SimpleSchema({
  browserUserAgent: String

  customFields: customFieldsSchema

Exposing Custom Fields Through GraphQL

If you are collecting extra order fields only for reporting or integration purposes, it may not be necessary to have them available through GraphQL queries. But if you do need some fields added to orders retrieved by GraphQL, it is easy to do this by extending the schema and adding resolvers in your custom plugin:

extend type Order {
  "The user agent string for the browser from which this order was placed"
  browserUserAgent: String!
const resolvers = {
  Order: {
    browserUserAgent: (node) => node.customFields.browserUserAgent

And then query for it:

  orderById(id: "123", shopId: "456", token: "abc") {