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Stephane Maldini committed Jan 12, 2017
1 parent c948b6d commit 9eede0e
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Showing 2 changed files with 298 additions and 291 deletions.
288 changes: 134 additions & 154 deletions src/test/java/reactor/core/publisher/
Expand Up @@ -15,15 +15,23 @@
package reactor.core.publisher;

import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;

import org.junit.Test;
import reactor.test.StepVerifier;
import reactor.util.function.Tuple2;

import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;

public class MonoProcessorTest {

@Test(expected = IllegalStateException.class)
public void MonoProcessorResultNotAvailable() {
MonoProcessor<String> mp = MonoProcessor.create();

public void MonoProcessorRejectedDoOnTerminate() {
MonoProcessor<String> mp = MonoProcessor.create();
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -185,158 +193,130 @@ public void MonoProcessorDoubleSignal() {
mp.onError(new Exception("test"));

// def "Multiple promises can be combined"() {
// given: "two fulfilled promises"
// def bc1 = EmitterProcessor.<Integer> create().connect()
// def promise1 = bc1.doOnNext { println 'hey' + it }.next()
// def bc2 = MonoProcessor.<Integer> create()
// def promise2 = bc2.flux().log().next()
// when: "a combined promise is first created"
// def combined = Mono.when(promise1, promise2).subscribe()
// then: "it is pending"
// !combined.pending
// when: "the first promise is fulfilled"
// bc1.onNext 1
// then: "the combined promise is still pending"
// !combined.pending
// when: "the second promise if fulfilled"
// bc2.onNext 2
// then: "the combined promise is fulfilled with both values"
// combined.block().t1 == 1
// combined.block().t2 == 2
// combined.success
// }
// def "A combined promise is rejected once any of its component promises are rejected"() {
// given: "two unfulfilled promises"
// def promise1 = MonoProcessor.<Integer> create()
// def promise2 = MonoProcessor.<Integer> create()
// when: "a combined promise is first created"
// def combined = Mono.when(promise1, promise2).subscribeWith(MonoProcessor.create())
// then: "it is pending"
// !combined.pending
// when: "a component promise is rejected"
// promise1.onError new Exception()
// then: "the combined promise is rejected"
// combined.error
// }
// def "A single promise can be 'combined'"() {
// given: "one unfulfilled promise"
// MonoProcessor<Integer> promise1 = MonoProcessor.create()
// when: "a combined promise is first created"
// def combined = MonoProcessor.create()
// Mono.when({d -> d } as Function, promise1).log().subscribe(combined)
// then: "it is pending"
// !combined.pending
// when: "the first promise is fulfilled"
// promise1.onNext 1
// then: "the combined promise is fulfilled"
// combined.block(Duration.ofSeconds(1)) == [1]
// combined.success
// }
// def "A filtered promise is not fulfilled if the filter does not allow the value to pass through"() {
// given: "a promise with a filter that only accepts even values"
// def promise = MonoProcessor.create()
// def filtered = promise.flux().filter { it % 2 == 0 }.next()
// when: "the promise is fulfilled with an odd value"
// promise.onNext 1
// then: "the filtered promise is not fulfilled"
// !filtered.block()
// }
// def "A filtered promise is fulfilled if the filter allows the value to pass through"() {
// given: "a promise with a filter that only accepts even values"
// def promise = MonoProcessor.create()
// promise.flux().filter { it % 2 == 0 }.next()
// when: "the promise is fulfilled with an even value"
// promise.onNext 2
// then: "the filtered promise is fulfilled"
// promise.success
// promise.peek() == 2
// }
// def "If a filter throws an exception the filtered promise is rejected"() {
// given: "a promise with a filter that throws an error"
// def promise = MonoProcessor.create()
// def e = new RuntimeException()
// def filteredMonoProcessor = promise.flux().filter { throw e }.next()
// when: "the promise is fulfilled"
// promise.onNext 2
// filteredMonoProcessor.block()
// then: "the filtered promise is rejected"
// thrown RuntimeException
// }
// def "Errors stop compositions"() {
// given: "a promise"
// def p1 = MonoProcessor.<String> create()
// final latch = new CountDownLatch(1)
// when: "p1 is consumed by p2"
// MonoProcessor p2 = p1.log().doOnSuccess({ Integer.parseInt it }).
// doOnError{ latch.countDown() }.
// log().
// map { println('not in log'); true }.subscribe()
// and: "setting a value"
// p1.onNext 'not a number'
// p2.blockMillis(1_000)
// then: 'No value'
// thrown(RuntimeException)
// latch.count == 0
// }
// def "Can poll instead of await to automatically handle InterruptedException"() {
// given: "a promise"
// def p1 = MonoProcessor.<String> create()
// def s = Schedulers.newSingle('test')
// when: "p1 is consumed by p2"
// def p2 = p1
// .publishOn(s)
// .map {
// println Thread.currentThread()
// sleep(3000)
// Integer.parseInt it
// }
// and: "setting a value"
// p1.onNext '1'
// println "emitted"
// p2.block(Duration.ofSeconds(1))
// then: 'No value'
// thrown IllegalStateException
// when: 'polling undefinitely'
// def v = p2.block()
// then: 'Value!'
// v
// cleanup:
// s.dispose()
// }
public void whenMonoProcessor() {
MonoProcessor<Integer> mp = MonoProcessor.create();
MonoProcessor<Integer> mp2 = MonoProcessor.create();
MonoProcessor<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>> mp3 = MonoProcessor.create();

StepVerifier.create(Mono.when(mp, mp2)
.then(() -> assertThat(mp3.isPending()).isTrue())
.then(() -> mp.onNext(1))
.then(() -> assertThat(mp3.isPending()).isTrue())
.then(() -> mp2.onNext(2))
.then(() -> {
.expectNextMatches(t -> t.getT1() == 1 && t.getT2() == 2)

public void whenMonoProcessor2() {
MonoProcessor<Integer> mp = MonoProcessor.create();
MonoProcessor<Integer> mp3 = MonoProcessor.create();

StepVerifier.create(Mono.when(d -> (Integer)d[0], mp)
.then(() -> assertThat(mp3.isPending()).isTrue())
.then(() -> mp.onNext(1))
.then(() -> {

public void whenMonoProcessorRejected() {
MonoProcessor<Integer> mp = MonoProcessor.create();
MonoProcessor<Integer> mp2 = MonoProcessor.create();
MonoProcessor<Tuple2<Integer, Integer>> mp3 = MonoProcessor.create();

StepVerifier.create(Mono.when(mp, mp2)
.then(() -> assertThat(mp3.isPending()).isTrue())
.then(() -> mp.onError(new Exception("test")))
.then(() -> {

public void filterMonoProcessor() {
MonoProcessor<Integer> mp = MonoProcessor.create();
MonoProcessor<Integer> mp2 = MonoProcessor.create();
StepVerifier.create(mp.filter(s -> s % 2 == 0).subscribeWith(mp2))
.then(() -> mp.onNext(2))
.then(() -> assertThat(mp2.isError()).isFalse())
.then(() -> assertThat(mp2.isSuccess()).isTrue())
.then(() -> assertThat(mp2.peek()).isEqualTo(2))
.then(() -> assertThat(mp2.isTerminated()).isTrue())

public void filterMonoProcessorNot() {
MonoProcessor<Integer> mp = MonoProcessor.create();
MonoProcessor<Integer> mp2 = MonoProcessor.create();
StepVerifier.create(mp.filter(s -> s % 2 == 0).subscribeWith(mp2))
.then(() -> mp.onNext(1))
.then(() -> assertThat(mp2.isError()).isFalse())
.then(() -> assertThat(mp2.isSuccess()).isTrue())
.then(() -> assertThat(mp2.peek()).isNull())
.then(() -> assertThat(mp2.isTerminated()).isTrue())

public void filterMonoProcessorError() {
MonoProcessor<Integer> mp = MonoProcessor.create();
MonoProcessor<Integer> mp2 = MonoProcessor.create();
StepVerifier.create(mp.filter(s -> {throw new RuntimeException("test"); })
.then(() -> mp.onNext(2))
.then(() -> assertThat(mp2.isError()).isTrue())
.then(() -> assertThat(mp2.isSuccess()).isFalse())
.then(() -> assertThat(mp2.getError()).hasMessage("test"))
.then(() -> assertThat(mp2.isTerminated()).isTrue())

public void doOnSuccessMonoProcessorError() {
MonoProcessor<Integer> mp = MonoProcessor.create();
MonoProcessor<Integer> mp2 = MonoProcessor.create();
AtomicReference<Throwable> ref = new AtomicReference<>();

StepVerifier.create(mp.doOnSuccess(s -> {throw new RuntimeException("test"); })
.then(() -> mp.onNext(2))
.then(() -> assertThat(mp2.isError()).isTrue())
.then(() -> assertThat(ref.get()).hasMessage("test"))
.then(() -> assertThat(mp2.isSuccess()).isFalse())
.then(() -> assertThat(mp2.getError()).hasMessage("test"))
.then(() -> assertThat(mp2.isTerminated()).isTrue())


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