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ReactPlay Code Review Checklist

Tapas Adhikary edited this page May 17, 2022 · 7 revisions
Stage: DRAFT
Contributor(s): atapas
ETA: 19th May 2022

The objective of this page is to document Code Review Checklist to follow by the Developers. The Code Reviewers must follow the same checklist. The Reviewers may have additional criteria, and they are free to provide comments based on them. If the checklist needs an update, please raise a request to do that ASAP.

Get the Basics Right

  • ✔ If you are creating/editing a Play, please update the related file with relevant info. For any other changes, please look for any documentation impact and consider them accordingly.
  • ✔ Your changes must support responsiveness. It means it should work on mobile devices without breaking or providing bad UX.
  • ❌ Do not commit sensitive information. Always keep them in .env file. In this case, please inform the maintainers to include the environment variables in Vercel's settings so that the production build works well.
  • ❌ Do not commit unnecessary files like VS code settings, yarn lock, etc. Make sure you have an entry to ignore them in the .gitignore file.
  • ❌ There shouldn't be any new Error or Warning in the console due to your changes.
  • ✔ Finally check if your code changes work as expected without impacting other functionalities.

Coding Standards


Pull Request Etiquettes

  • ✔ When you create a PR, you need to provide all the answers in the descriptions. Please do not leave them empty. You need to minimally provide a description, and issue a link. A Code reviewer may not start reviewing without these details provided.
  • ✔ When Ready for review, please add the review ready label. If you do not have permission to add it, please ignore it.
  • ✔ Always Resolve all the comments.
  • ✔ Keep the PR comments interactive. Ask questions, and clarify doubts, Code Reviewers are listening!
  • ✔ Please check and respond to your PR at least once in 2 days to get it merged faster.
  • ✔ Have Patience!