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Development Standards

These are build standards that are adhered to by the core development team while developing Read the Docs and related services. If you are a new contributor to Read the Docs, it might a be a good idea to follow these guidelines as well. The :doc:`standard installation instructions <install>` do cover what it takes to get started with a local installation of Read the Docs and can be used for local development by non-core team.

Core team standards

Core team members expect to have a development environment that closely approximates our production environment, in order to spot bugs and logical inconsistencies before they make their way to production.

Celery runs as a separate process

Celery needs to be run as a separate process, and core team will not use in-process task execution via Celery's CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER setting. The CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER setting doesn't work correctly, and masks bugs that introduce task execution race conditions.

Debugging is different when running as a separate process, see Debugging Celery for more information.

Celery runs multiple processes
We run celery with multiple worker processes to discover race conditions between tasks.
Docker for builds
Docker is used for a build backend instead of the local host build backend. There are a number of differences between the two execution methods in how processes are executed, what is installed, and what can potentially leak through and mask bugs -- for example, local SSH agent allowing code check not normally possible.
Setting USE_SUBDOMAIN = True

There are a number of resolution bugs and cross-domain behavior that can only be caught by using this setting. It requires use of a catch all public domain, so we can resolve all subdomains to localhost. For example, here are some related settings that affect project URLs:

PRODUCTION_DOMAIN = 'localhost:8000'
Postgres as a database (optional for now)

It is recommended that Postgres be used as the default database whenever possible, as SQLite has issues with our Django version and we use Postgres in production. Differences between Postgres and SQLite should be masked for the most part however, as Django does abstract database procedures, and we don't do any Postgres-specific operations yet.

Because we run Postgres as our production database, you should be familiar with maintenance of a Postgres instance however. You can run Postgres in a Docker container on Linux or use the Postgres application on MacOS, both are easy to get started with.

Celery is isolated from database
Currently, it's really easy to forget that the Celery workers on our build servers do not have database access and need to be written to use API access instead. We don't yet have a pattern for this, but we should find a way to put up a similar barrier in development, so that logic errors aren't uncovered after we release.

Debugging Celery

If you have been executing Celery tasks using CELERY_ALWAYS_EAGER, you will have to alter how your are debugging your task processes when switching to running multiple workers on a dedicated Celery process.

In order to step into the worker process, you can't use pdb or ipdb, but you can use celery.contrib.rdb:

from celery.contrib import rdb; rdb.set_trace()

When the breakpoint is hit, the Celery worker will pause on the breakpoint and will alert you on STDOUT of a port to connect to. You can then use telnet or netcat to connect to the debug process port:

nc 6900

The rdb debugger is similar to pdb, there is no ipdb for remote debugging currently.

Using Supervisord

An example of how to run all the services required is included in contrib/supervisord.conf. Debugging is harder with this method, so it's not required for development, but you can also use this configuration to understand what commands to execute.

To use supervisor to run local processes:

cd contrib/

Debugging into the detached processes is possible with rdb, and you can see what is happening in the foreground of the process with supervisorctl fg <process>. It might be easier to stop the process running in supervisor and run the command manually if you need to do heavy debugging.