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Running Samples

Martin Thompson edited this page Jul 15, 2022 · 1 revision

Start up a media driver which will create the data and conductor directories. On Linux, this will probably be in /dev/shm/aeron or /tmp/aeron.

    $ java -cp aeron-all/build/libs/aeron-all-${VERSION}.jar io.aeron.driver.MediaDriver

Alternatively, specify the data and conductor directories. The following example uses the shared memory 'directory' on Linux, but you could just as easily point to the regular filesystem.

    $ java -cp aeron-all/build/libs/aeron-all-${VERSION}.jar -Daeron.dir=/dev/shm/aeron io.aeron.driver.MediaDriver

You can run the BasicSubscriber from a command line. On Linux, this will be pointing to the /dev/shm shared memory directory, so be sure your MediaDriver is doing the same!

    $ java -cp aeron-all/build/libs/aeron-all-${VERSION}.jar io.aeron.samples.BasicSubscriber

You can run the BasicPublisher from a command line. On Linux, this will be pointing to the /dev/shm shared memory directory, so be sure your MediaDriver is doing the same!

    $ java -cp aeron-all/build/libs/aeron-all-${VERSION}.jar io.aeron.samples.BasicPublisher

You can run the AeronStat utility to read system counters from a command line

    $ java -cp aeron-all/build/libs/aeron-all-${VERSION}.jar io.aeron.samples.AeronStat

For more samples and scripts to run them, see the aeron-samples directory.