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Frontier, Bringing a new frontier to software engineering.

Frontier brings together engineering standards across disciplines for ease of use, promoting consistent software development.

Contributions are welcome! You can help us by reporting or fixing bugs and giving us feedback on new/existing features.

oclif Version Downloads/week License


Table of Contents



npm install --global @realdecoy/frontier
frontier <namespace> <command>


npx @realdecoy/frontier <namespace> <command>

namespaces are optional if running frontier commands in an existing frontier project

The help menu can be accessed with the commands:

frontier --help
frontier <namespace> --help

The current version of frontier can be retrieved with the command:

frontier --version



  frontier <namespace>

    dotnet           -  Dotnet API Scaffolding
    mobile           -  React Native Scaffolding
    vue              -  Vue.js Scaffolding
    --help           -  Show help information
    --version        -  Show cli version



Name Namespace Status More Information
.Net dotnet Ready Read More
Infrastructure iac Pre-Technical Proposal Read More
Mobile mobile Ready Read More
QA qa Technical Proposal Read More
Vue vue Ready Read More



Prerequisites & Recommendations

Name Description More Information
node runtime version 19.8.1
yarn dependency management version 1.22.19
vscode code editor version 1.77.1


Install Dependencies

yarn install


npm install

Execute CLI commands

./bin/dev <namespace> <command>


$ ./bin/dev vue create-project
? Enter a project name:  » my-rdvue-project



The build command rebuilds all packages and notify the user of the success of the packages being rebuilt. To build the packages of frontier, run the command:

yarn run build


npm run build



Rebuilding the frontier packages automatically reconstructs the packages forgetting about any previous compliation of them. To rebuild the frontier packages, run the command:

yarn run rebuild


npm run rebuild


Creating a frontier namespace

To support the creation of new frointer-based namespaces a template, Adam, has been provided to allow for easier development. This template provides the basic structure needed to develop a simple frontier-based namespace. It also provides sample commands and tests to get you started.



Run Unit Test Suite

yarn run test


npm run test

Creating Tests

  • create a <module-name>.test.ts file in the respective folder
  • using chai assertion syntax, describe your unit test cases
  • visit the oclif testing documentation to see more details


Contribution Instructions

Testing Requirements

All code contributions made to this repository be properly tested. For testing the testing framework Jest is used. All test files must be writen with the extension ".spec.ts", to maintain the consistency of this project.

GitHub Commits

All commits maded to this repository be rewritten according to the Conventional Commit Messages Standard. This is to ensure that consistency is maintained throughout the repository.

Pull Request

When creating a pull request ensure that the request is well documented and the changes made to the repository have been properly noted. Ensure to link the issue number/s that the pull request satisfies.