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A* Algorithm

This code implements the $A^*$ algorithm in JavaScript using p5.js, a JavaScript library for creating graphics and animations. The algorithm finds the shortest path between a start and end point on a 2D grid, taking into account the terrain (walls) between them.



The $A^$ algorithm seeks to minimize the evaluation function $f(n)$ by combining the actual cost $g(n)$ and the heuristic estimate $h(n)$. By prioritizing nodes with the lowest $f(n)$, $A^$ efficiently identifies the shortest path from $S$ to $D$.

The $A^*$ algorithm can be described mathematically as follows:


  • $G$: A graph representing the environment
  • $S$: The starting node
  • $D$: The destination node
  • $h(n)$: A heuristic function estimating the cost from node $n$ to the destination node $D$
  • $g(n)$: The actual cost from the starting node $S$ to node $n$
  • $f(n)$: The evaluation function defined as $f(n) = g(n) + h(n)$
  • $Q$: A priority queue containing nodes to be explored, ordered by $f(n)$


  1. Initialization:

    • Add $S$ to $Q$
    • Set $g(S) = 0$
    • Compute $h(S)$ (the heuristic estimate from $S$ to $D$)
    • Compute $f(S) = g(S) + h(S)$
  2. Main Loop:

    • While $Q$ is not empty:
      • Remove the node $n$ with the lowest $f(n)$ from $Q$
      • If $n$ is the destination node $D$, terminate (path found)
      • Add $n$ to the set of explored nodes
      • For each neighbor $m$ of $n$:
        • If $m$ is not traversable or is in the set of explored nodes, skip to the next neighbor
        • Compute the tentative cost $g(m)$ from $S$ to $m$
        • If $m$ is not in $Q$ or the tentative $g(m)$ is less than the current $g(m)$:
          • Update $g(m)$ to the tentative value
          • Compute $h(m)$ (the heuristic estimate from $m$ to $D$)
          • Compute $f(m) = g(m) + h(m)$
          • Set $m$'s parent to $n$
          • Add $m$ to $Q$
  3. Termination:

    • If the loop exits without finding $D$, conclude that there is no path from $S$ to $D$.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or want to add new features, feel free to submit a pull request.

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