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Reason Framework

A FHIR + CQL Clinical Reason Framework

This is a monorepo using npm's workspace feature. See for information on how this works.


Run npm install in the root of this monorepo


Run npm run build in the root of this monorepo


Run npm run fmt in the root of this monorepo


To run locally, make sure to build the project, then cd ./packages/cds-service. Then run:

cp .env.example .env

Then, go to your new .env file and update the path for your machine.

Finally, run:

node ./lib/server.js

If you are developing, you can also use the npm script which allows:

npm run dev


There is fixture content (pre-built) in packages/cpg-execution/test/fixtures/ExampleIG.

If you wish to edit and build the content yourself, this process uses IG Publisher. You will need to make sure you have all the requirements to run that installed. If you are using asdf, the .tool-versions file includes all the requirements, so asdf install should work. After running, you will need to install the following:

npm install -g fsh-sushi
gem install jekyll -N

The first time, you will also need to install IG Publisher:

cd packages/cpg-execution/test/fixtures/ExampleIG

Once you do, there is a script that will help create the output and clear unnecessary files:

cd packages/cpg-execution

Supported features

This technology focuses on imlementing Workflow module of FHIR as well as the Clinical Guidelines IG. In particular, the following features are supported:

  • ActivityDefinition/$apply from FHIR R5
  • PlanDefinition/$apply from FHIR R5
  • CPGPlanDefinitionApply's profile for PlanDefinition/$apply - specifically data, dataEndpoint, contentEndpoint, and terminologyEndpoint parameters
    • both http(s):// and file:// URL schemes for endpoint parameters are supported
  • StructureDefinition/$questionnaire from FHIR R5 with additional support for data, dataEndpoint, contentEndpoint,terminologyEndpoint, and configurableEndpoint parameters
  • PlanDefinition/$questionnaire - not yet defined in FHIR spec. See packages/cpg-execution/documentation/ for in progress documentation.


To run with docker, first build the project


Then run the project with docker

./bin/docker-run [endpoint address]

The [endpoint address] can either be a file or a remote service. In docker, this endpoint will be used for all three (content, terminology, and data) endpoints.

./bin/docker-run file://./packages/cpg-execution/test/fixtures/ExampleIG/output

Postman collection

See ./postman for a Postman collection. There are a few variables to set for the collection, so take a minute to review.