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udk-avprogramming 2013_SS

Olofsson: Audiovisual programming - Bits and Pieces

In this course we will make a new small project each week. The projects will be playful, interconnectable and reusable. And in the spirit of this semester's main topic "Everything Is Deeply Intertwingled", all the projects as well as the course itself will interconnect well with the course Code Experiments run by Hoelzl + de Campo.

The bits we will play with include sensors, cameras, speakers, LEDs, networks, Arduino, SuperCollider, PureData, Processing, Serial, OSC, MIDI. And the pieces include projects like making sound from light with an Arduino, controlling LEDs from SuperCollider, colour tracking with a webcam in PureData, controlling computers from remote with Terminal, sound detection and categorization with SuperCollider, MIDI hooked up to OpenGL graphics in Processing etc.

room111, UdK, medienhaus, kleistpark


  • 25apr: colour tracking with a webcam in PureData controls sound files recorded in Audacity (+ try FaceOSC)
  • 02may: MIDI from MaxMSP or PureData hooked up to OpenGL graphics in Processing
  • 09may: NO CLASS (holiday)
  • 16may: building an Arduino bare bone (+ try LaunchPad with Energia as a cheap alternative)
  • 23may: controlling LEDs and motors from SuperCollider using the Arduino bare bone (using uln2803 as a driver + try small motors)
  • 30may: making sound from light with an Arduino (analog inputs, smoothing data, 1bit music)
  • 06jun: take different sensors and log/share data online (ThingSpeak etc) (NOTE: this week in room 213 or 214)
  • 13jun: controlling computers from remote with Terminal (simple terminal commands and telnet, ssh, ftp)
  • 20jun: record and arrange sound with audacity + speaker/mic feedback (small batterypowered speakers, piezos, electretmics)
  • 27jun: building a general purpose preamp for electretmic/linein (+ try recording and live effects in SuperCollider)
  • 04jul: build the micronoise evil sounding battery driven circuit
  • 11jul: sound detection and categorization with SuperCollider sends out osc to MaxMSP/PureData (pitch, amplitude, onsets, centroid)