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GoNB, A Go Kernel for Jupyter Notebooks

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For a quick start, see the tutorial!


  • Auto-complete and contextual help while coding.
  • Rich content display: HTML, images, javascript, svg, videos, etc.
  • Uses standard Go compiler: 100% compatibility with projects, even those using CGO.
  • Faster execution than intepreted Go, used in other notebooks -- at the cost of imperceptible increased start up, since each cell is compiled.
  • Support for go.mod and, to allow local development. Including importing specific versions of libraries.
  • Several handy special commands, see %help.
  • Shell command executions with ! -- handy at times, for instance to install packages.
  • Reported to work with Github Codespace, VSCode, Binder, Google's Colab, etc.
  • Very well documented and supported.
  • Great for data-science, testing, writing reports, live demos, etc.
  • Includes a pre-built docker, that includes JupyterLab and GoNB, that can be used to easily try it out.


Example of animating a plot



Go is a compiled language, but with very fast compilation, that allows one to use it in a REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop) fashion, by inserting a "Compile" step in the middle of the loop -- so it's a Read-Compile-Run-Print-Loop — while still feeling very interactive.

GoNB leverages that compilation speed to implement a full-featured (at least it's getting there) Jupyter notebook kernel. As a side benefit it works with packages that use CGO — although it won't parse C code in the cells, so it can't be used as a C kernel.

It already includes many goodies: cache between cell of results, contextual help and auto-complete (with gopls), compilation error context (by mousing over), bash command execution, images, html, etc. See the tutorial.

It's been heavily used by the author (in developing GoMLX, a machine learning framework for Go), but should still be seen as experimental — if we hear success stories from others, we can change this.

Reports of issues as well as fixes are always welcome.

There is also a live version in Google's Colab that one can interact with (make a copy first) — if the link doesn't work (Google Drive sharing publicly is odd), download it from GitHub and upload it to Google's Colab.


Only for Linux and macOS. In Windows, it works in WSL or inside a Docker


GoNB offers a pre-built docker, that includes JupyterLab and GoNB. To use it, go to a directory that you want to make available to the Jupyter notebook (your home directory, or a directory where to store the notebook files). It will be mounted on the work/ subdirectory in JupyterLab.

To start it:

docker pull janpfeifer/gonb_jupyterlab:latest
docker run -it --rm -p 8888:8888 -v "${PWD}":/home/jovyan/work janpfeifer/gonb_jupyterlab:latest

Then copy&paste the URL that it outputs in your browser.

Linux and macOS installation

You need to install (if not yet there), GoNB, goimports and gopls (for auto-complete), and then run gonb --install.

go install && \
  go install && \
  go install && \
  gonb --install

And then (re-)start Jupyter (if it is already running).

In GitHub's Codespace, if Jupyter is already started, restart the docker — it will also restart Jupyter.

Note: for to be parsed correctly for auto-complete, you need gopls version greater or equal to v0.12.4 (or at least v0.12.0?). You can check it with gopls version.


The recommendation is to use WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) or WSL2, and run Jupyter and the GoNB kernel in the Linux/WSL environment. Install there as if it were in a linux machine.

A pure Windows installation is not supported at this time — but contributions to add support for it would be welcome :)

Rich display: HTML, Images, SVG, Videos, manipulating javascript, etc.

GoNB opens a named pipe (set in environment variable GONB_PIPE) that a program can use to directly display any type of HTML content.

For the most cases, one can simply import the library offers a convenient API to everything available. Examples of use in the tutorial.

If implementing some new mime type (or some other form of interaction), see kernel/display.go for the protocol details.


  • What is the %% symbol seen everywhere?
    • It is a special commands for GoNB that means "insert a func main {...} here". There are many other special commands, see %help for the complete list, or check out the tutorial.
  • Why is the test coverage so low?
    • Orchestrating the tests from front-end and Jupyter is not trivial — I didn't find a tool to easily do that. Same with gopls. Help, or pointers are wanted here (see TODO below).


Contributions are welcome!


The Jupyter kernel started from gophernotes implementation, but was heavily modified and little from it is left. Also, the execution loop and mechanisms are completely different and new: GoNB compiles and executes on-the-fly, instead of using a REPL engine.


GoNB, a Go Notebook Kernel for Jupyter



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  • Go 98.7%
  • Dockerfile 1.1%
  • Shell 0.2%